Chapter 17

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"We have to be quiet." Erwin whispered.

"Well, yeah." Levi said back.

They walked through the dark and damp halls together, being as silent as possible, on alert. They looked everywhere for guards with guns who were wandering around, both knowing that they'd find at least one.

"Hey!! You there!!" They heard a voice yell. They turned and found a guard looking at them with intense eyes that said "you've been caught." The guard rushed at them with the gun loaded and pointing, the barrel staring at them intimidatingly. They both ducked and ran, bullets grazing their bodies, the walls. They turned and ran until they were met with another guard. They turned and ran the other way through the winding hallways and corridors till they saw a flight of stairs. Just as Erwin was about to reach the first step he felt a sharp and sudden pain in his right bicep.

"Shit!" He yelled, the pain becoming more intense the more he moved.

"You okay!?" Levi yelled back, the loud bangs of the guns being only background noise to both of them. Erwin nodded and kept running.

They took the steps two at a time till they reached the top, met with more guns and guards. They ran for what felt like forever till they ran out the front door of what they realized belonged to a huge mansion.

"My car!" Levi realized. He had no clue where it was but he needed it back.

"I seen them take it. One of the guards drove it here but I don't know where it is... Why does it matter?" Erwin could understand why Levi would be upset about loosing a car as nice as that but he didn't understand why it mattered right now when they were a few seconds away from getting shot.

"Because it just does!" Levi yelled, not wanting to voice the true reasoning behind everything. Erwin dropped the subject.

They looked around the large lot quickly, eyeing their surroundings. They didn't move from their spots, just their heads and eyes moved. Levi glanced at Erwin and seen the blood running down his shirt sleeve, drenching it. He didn't comment on it.

"There!" Erwin pointed toward a spot where a silver car sat. It was on the other side of the metal fence that surrounded the mansion. They ran as fast as they could toward the fence, the sound of guards yelling becoming louder then quieter. Erwin ran and climbed the fence while Levi found a spot he could crawl under. At least he though he could. Right as he was about to push himself off the ground, something caught his foot. When he turned around to see what it was he found a guard that was holding onto his ankle, his grip tight and painful. He heard more footsteps and tried to shake the guard off but the unknown man just twisted his foot and bent it at odd and painful angles. Then he seen Erwin in front of him. Erwin grabbed his arms and pulled him away from the guard, helping him off the ground. Levi stood and righted himself. As soon as he made to run again and put pressure on his foot it ached and the pain was almost unbearable. He groaned and Erwin immediately noticed.

"What's wrong?" He said, rushed.

"It's nothing." Levi said but Erwin could see the pain on his face clearly.

Without saying another word, Erwin picked up Levi and slung him over his shoulder, running to the car.

"What are you doing!?!?" Levi yelled in confusion, the only thing he could see was the guards running after them. He was lucky that he didn't get shot.

"I'm carrying you because I don't want you to get hurt anymore!" Erwin yelled back. Levi wanted to protest but he shut his mouth and soon enough he was at his car, being thrown into the passenger side seat in the front, Erwin driving.

"No way you're driving." Levi stated.

"No way you're going to argue with me right know." Erwin shot back. Levi thought he was right so he shut his mouth.

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