Chapter 2

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He had one lead now, a place and a name and the imaginary image of a face in his mind. He could do this.

But as it turned out, it was harder than he thought. He needed a code word to get into the building, he couldn't find the man by the alias of Horse, and he looked through all the birth certificates for a man by the last name of Smith but from all the ones that he looked through, not one of them had blue eyes or blonde hair. It was hopeless. But he wasn't going to give up.

The case had gone cold. One month passed and there was no sign of new leads or people coming forward with helpful information. He was getting very frustrated.

He was sitting on the train one day, case in hand, looking it over and trying to find something hidden or of importance. There was nothing. He was getting discouraged.

"Damn..." He mumbled.

The train car was mostly empty, just him and a few others.

When the train stopped he got up from his seat, making his way to the door. He could feel someone behind his back, and when he felt a pressure on his back pocket where his wallet sat, he knew something was wrong. When he stepped off the train he turned around, there was no one there. But his wallet was definitely gone.

"Shit!" He yelled.

As the train doors began to close and the train started moving, he caught the gaze of a man on the other side. Tall, blonde, blue eyes, wallet in hand, and shit eating grin on his face. Levi looked around at all the train cars trying to find one with its doors still opened. He spotted some down the line but they were closing quickly. Running as fast as he could, he tried to catch up with the fast closing doors. He did manage to slip into one of them, almost getting his arm cut off. He was quite a ways away from the original car but he started to run, switching from one car to the next, looking for the man who stole his wallet. All the cars were mostly empty but no matter how many he ran through there was no sign of the man that held his wallet. It was like the man had disappeared. It was odd. When he noticed that he was back in the original car he looked around, scanning the room and searching for the mysterious man.

"Come out you fucker." He taunted. "Show yourself." There was nothing.

He could hear a slight shuffle from an unknown place. Out of the corner of his eye he could see something move. He spun around as fast as he could and when he did he caught sight of the man leaving the car and jumping to the next.

"Fuck!!" Levi yelled in frustration.

He ran after the man and despite the thief being big and muscled he could move very quickly and easily from one car to the next, manoeuvring past obstacles, and he was fast. Just as Levi thought that the man would get away once more he noticed an object on the ground, fast approaching. The stranger didn't notice it and he fell face first onto the floor of the train car, tripping over the mysterious object. Levi caught up to the man and put a knee in between his shoulder blades, trying to hold him down.

"Give me my wallet, thief." He spat.

"Yeah, well, you see, I can't do that."

"What? Now you're spouting bullshit."

"Well I got this task from a certain person who asked for some info about you so I kind of need the wallet so I can give it to them. It's simple really." The man explained. "And I have something you forgot." He pulled out the briefcase holding all the information.

"Where the fuck did you get that?"

"You dropped it in your fit of rage. I'm just a good samaritan who happened to pick it up." Levi ripped the briefcase from the mans hands. "You know you're different from what I thought you would be. More feisty. And way shorter than I was told. They told me that you were, like, 6'0. Boy were they wrong." The man chuckled.

"Shut your mouth and tell me where my wallet is."

"Pocket on the right side, in the front."

Levi placed one of his hands on the mans right hip, reaching into his pocket which was unnecessarily deep.

"Oh~you're touchy-feely." The man said.

Levi took the hand that wasn't in the mans pocket and grabbed his hair, slamming the thief's face into the hard metal floor.

"Ow, Fuck!!.. Great now I have a bloody nose. Thanks. I'm sure that the government will be happy that I'm bleeding all over the floor of one of their trains." The man said sarcastically.

"You never shut up do you?" Levi mumbled. At last Levi got the wallet out of the mans pocket and put it back in its original place. He then reached and opened the briefcase, pulling out the pair of handcuffs that he kept in it.

"Whoa, you're kinky." The man said.

Levi sighed and took the thief's hands, cuffing them behind his back. He stood up and away from the man.

"Get up." He ordered.

"What, no help?" The man said. Levi didn't reply. The man brought his knees to his chest and sat up on his heels, bringing one leg up and standing. Sure enough, on the floor there was a pool of blood and there was still some running from the mans nose.

"Disgusting..." Levi mumbled.

"Well it's your fault." The man stated.

Levi grabbed the mans arm and sat him down on a bench, grabbing his briefcase and sitting beside him. It took no more than one minute before the man started talking again.

"Where are we going?" He asked.


"What are we doing?"


"What's with the cuffs?"


".....Are you mad?"

"Holy shit, shut the fuck up!!!!!" Levi yelled. The man gave him an expression that resembled that of an injured puppy and turned away, looking around the train car.

"I heard you were looking for me." The man said.

"...What?" Levi was taken back. He wasn't looking for this man, he didn't even know his name.

"...Never mind. You told me to stop talking." Levi could hear the mans smirk in that sentence. He sighed, this was going to be a long train ride.

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