Chapter 7

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Erwin took his phone out of his pocket and hit talk, Mike's number being displayed on the screen for the caller ID. Levi stopped the car at a red light.

"Hello?" Erwin said, trying to keep his voice steady as Levi's knife pressed into his throat.

"Oh thank god you picked up. Where are you?" Mike said. He sounded worried in Erwin's ears; his instincts telling him to calm Mike down.

Erwin glanced at Levi who he seen shaking his head, telling him silently to not say he was there.

"I am in a car." Erwin said. Levi mentally face palmed.

"What are you doing in the car?" Mike asked, trying to get Erwin to be more specific.

"Driving." Was Erwin's answer.

"No shit." Hange spoke.

The light turned green and Levi pressed on the gas, however he wasn't going to his house anymore. He planned to keep driving until the call was over.

Erwin let out a nervous laugh.

"You okay? You don't sound like yourself." Mike noticed.

"I'm fine. Everything's good. No problems." Erwin said, glancing at Levi who had his eyes on the road. He could try and escape; get Levi to say something, blowing his cover and making Hange and Mike realize that they shouldn't bring up the talk of the heist or anything else illegal. However he had a knife pressed to his throat and he'd rather not risk anything, even if he knew that Levi wouldn't kill him. But the promise of castration still stood and he'd prefer to keep his manhood.

"You sure?"

"Yes, don't worry about me Mike. I'm fine. What about you? Able to keep crazy in check?" He said smiling.

"Hey now." Hange said, disliking the name crazy. The three of them laughed.

Levi did feel that he was listening in on something private because he was, but it was rather the light hearted way that Erwin spoke to his friends that caught him off guard and made him feel weird.

"We had to do the heist without you. I missed you." Mike said.

Erwin's head fell back and hit the headrest of the seat. So much for not mentioning it. Levi's eyes widened at the sentence and his head turned to Erwin, mouthing: what did you do.

"I could tell you were looking forward to it but you disappeared so we had to do it without you." Hange explained.

Erwin looked at Levi with a weak smile. "Yeah...Um, I don't know when I'll be back quite yet but I'm hoping it'll be soon. I got the info but I've hit a little obstacle so I have to sort some things out before I come back."

"What happened, you aren't hurt are you?" Mike said, overly concerned.

"I said I'm fine Mike. I'll be back, I'm not dead. Give it a week. Tops." Erwin tried to reassure his friend.

"Okay...Well we made around $150,000 from the heist but we have to put some towards debt payment and shit that you did so Hange calculated that we'll have around $40,000 left."

"Shit." Erwin said.

"Yeah..." Mike and Hange said in unison.

The car was silent as Levi processed the words spoken over the phone. Heist? Who are these people and what heist are they talking about? That was the immediate question he was going to ask Erwin.

Erwin's mind started to race. He needed to give some sort of signal to tell Hange and Mike to stop talking about everything. He needed to get Levi to talk. He eyed the smaller mans body, trying to think of ways that he could get him to speak. Without thinking, Erwin placed his hand over Levi's crotch and squeezed, eliciting a stuttering sentence to be yelled from Levi's lips.

"W-what the fuck!!" The knife fumbled in his hand, but he still managed to hold on to it. The blade sliced Erwin's arm, causing him to reel back, string of profanities leaving his lips, and the drop of the phone where Levi picked it up and spoke to the two on the other end of the line. He held the phone out of Erwin's reach, blood from the cut on Erwin's arm leaking and falling onto his pants. One hand held the phone and the wheel while the other pressed the blade more forcefully against Erwin's throat, rising and falling as Erwin swallowed thickly.

"This is officer Rivaille of the Maria Police Department speaking, your buddy Smith here decided to steal my wallet as a way of gathering information. I caught him and took him back to the office where I gathered info about him. I found out that he is the father of a murder victim whose case I've been working on for the past two or so months. Smith decided that he wanted to make a deal with me so he's spent the past week and a half in prison while official papers were being sent out and signed. So to put things simply; he's going to help me solve this case and follow all the rules that I have set for him. Currently he has a knife pressed to his neck because he doesn't know when to stop running his mouth. Thanks for the call by the way. Now if I find you I can arrest you as well. Bye for now." And he hung up the phone before they had a chance to talk back.

"You little shit. You've probably worried my friend to death now. I hope you're happy."


A/N: sorry for the short chapter. Writers block sucks.

Love Above the Law (Erwin x Levi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora