Chapter 25

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A/N: angst, smut, and feels.

His life had become boring. He did the same thing every day. It had been three years since the case and the pain in his heart was still there. He felt as though it was never going to disappear.

His work had become boring and it lacked excitement, which was odd because he used to love being a cop. Now he had to drag himself out of bed every morning just to go. He didn't want to do anything anymore. He just wanted to lay in his bed and rot. He wanted to disappear. Maybe then the pain in his heart would seize to exist.

It was a Tuesday morning in September and he had to go to work. It wasn't a big deal although he felt particularly awful that day for some reason that was beyond him. He pulled himself out of his bed and almost tripped over the bedding that had fallen to the floor. He would make the bed later. He had fallen asleep in his clothing from the day before and he still didn't know why. He was so tired and lazy lately. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before he made his way to the kitchen for breakfast. He grabbed a box of cereal and got himself a bowl, pouring in an amount he knew he wasn't going to eat. He added to much milk and then he abandoned it and went to get changed into clean clothes. When he entered his bedroom he looked at where his phone was placed on the nightstand. He picked it up and turned it on, only to find that it wasn't Tuesday. It was fucking Saturday and he had a day off. What the fuck was he doing anymore?

He still got dressed into clean clothes and then he made his way out of his room and down the hallway back to the kitchen. When he opened his bedroom door to step out he could hear shuffling and movement. He instantly stilled and the shuffling continued. He started to walk down the hallway to the kitchen, his steps light and silent. He could hear crunching, as if someone was eating chips or in this case his cereal. When he walked out of the hallway the sight he was met with made his heart stop.

Leaning against his kitchen counter was a man who was dressed in a long coat, the hem of it touching his mid thigh. He had the bowl of cereal in his hands, eating spoonful after spoonful. The thing that caught Levi's attention the most was the mans blonde hair. Parted in the same way that Erwin used to part it. Same shade of blonde as well.

Levi took another step forward and one of the floorboards beneath his feet creaked, the man turning his head in Levi's direction. Levi was met with brilliant blue eyes that he would remember anywhere. And just like that, all the tears that he was unable to shed started to roll down his cheeks and onto the floor. His vision was starting to get blurred because of it and he wiped away as many of them as he could. He was too caught up in looking at the blonde man before him to realize that he was crying so much that he could no longer control it.

The blonde man set down the bowl of cereal and walked towards Levi. Levi immediately stepped back and away from the man. He must be dreaming or something.

"Levi?" He couldn't forget Erwin's voice. It played in his head in the dreams that he would have. It tormented him, in a way. Now that it was playing again before him...he couldn't stop himself from crying.

Levi had walked backwards until he hit the end of the hallway and his back was against the door. He was gasping for breath and the man kept moving toward him. He could open his bedroom door and lock himself in there but if this really was Erwin standing in front of him then he wanted to see him again. Definitely.

"Levi..." The man whispered and reached his arms out for Levi. But he swatted Erwin away.

"Levi?" Erwin looked hurt and confused.

"Is it really you?" Levi's voice was quiet and small.

"Yes. I'm back." Erwin stated. He held his arms out for Levi and it took everything in Levi's broken heart to not run to him. Erwin had broken his heart and he wasn't going to forgive him easily.

Love Above the Law (Erwin x Levi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang