Chapter 12

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A/N: so I know what I'm doing for the smut but it's the leading up to it that is difficult for me. I think I'm going to have fun writing it. I definitely had fun writing this. Now you will know why I had Levi listening to Ke$ha. I also know that the videos on chapters don't really play but the song at the top is Sleazy by Ke$ha. If you read onward then you will understand why it's there. And do you have any guesses as to who Horse is? Let me know what they are. Now read my child. Read.

Levi had both hands on the wheel as the car stopped at a stoplight, time ticking as some people walked across the street and some cars zoomed past. His talk with Darius had included several things; his progress on the case, his progress with Erwin and one thing in particular that caught his attention. Darius had mentioned briefly that when the autopsy on Historia's body was done they'd found small scars on her face in specific locations; under her chin, in her mouth, behind her ears, almost as if she'd had surgery. He made a mental note to look into it.

He parked on the side of the street by the curb on the opposite side of the building. The bright neon sign that hung from the side read: Sina Strip. How odd. They got out of the car; Levi with his jacket and bag and Erwin empty handed. The outside of the building was slightly odd; it looked normal except for the sign but the closer Levi got the more he could hear the pounding of the music within. It made him wonder. He'd never been in the building and he had no idea what was going on inside, whether it was a restaurant or a bar he had no idea. But by the name he had a couple guesses. By the entrance stood a few people smoking and chatting, mostly men. Levi noticed that they all had wristbands on, something he found odd. Just as he was about to touch the door knob Erwin stopped him.

"Knock first." Erwin reached out one of his hands and knocked on the door, the other on Levi's shoulder. He had no clue how it got there but he didn't nudge it off.

"Password." Said a voice on the other side of the door; muffled and deep.

"Freckled Jesus." Erwin said at the door and a few seconds later it opened; the smell of cigarettes and sweat burning Levi's nose. It disgusted him.

Upon the door opening Levi immediately new what the place was.

"A strip club? Why would Ymir give me the address to a strip club?" He asked to no one in particular.

"Maybe she's trying to tell you that you need some action." Erwin suggested. He rolled his eyes and replied with "shut up." But it sounded more playful than he meant it to be, surprising both of them. They stepped into the building, the room dark and stuffy. It was a narrow place with circular platforms topped with poles lining the middle of the long stretch. Each platform was surrounded by a circular couch where people were seated, drinking and watching whatever person was working the pole. A bar was on the right side, bar stools filled despite the time of day and booths on the left. Personally, Levi didn't understand the appeal of strip clubs; they were just places where old fucks would go and throw their money, however this one seemed to be filled with young people. It made him feel weird.

"Where's Horse?" He asked, looking up at Erwin who was surveying the room.

"He should be here somewhere..." Erwin mumbled. He stopped someone who was walking by and asked them if they knew and they pointed him to a booth where two men were sitting.

"Come on." Erwin said, gesturing to the booth. He started to follow behind, catching the stares of multiple people on the way.

"I told you you should have left the jacket." Erwin said over his shoulder. He stepped onto a platform where the booths were, Levi not noticing it and almost falling. He could faintly hear Erwin laughing at him. When they approached the booth Levi spotted the two men except they were in a more risky position, one sitting in the other's lap while the other ran his hands over him and kissed him senseless. He stood there awkwardly before Erwin spoke.

Love Above the Law (Erwin x Levi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora