Chapter 13

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A/N: the smutties are here. Finally. It took me so long to come up with an idea for this. I wrote and then didn't like it so I deleted it and then the same thing happened like, three more times until I settled on this. I meant for it to just be a simple argument that turned hot and steamy and then it turned all angsty and feely. Sorry not sorry. You may continue to your smut. This was so awkward to write holy fuck. Longest chapter yet. Please tell me how I did. You're welcome.

"So where to now?" Erwin asked, glancing at Levi. He didn't answer, the car left in silence for a few minutes.

"Please don't call me Levi." Levi said, voice barely above a whisper.

"Why?" Erwin asked, confused.

"You can call me that when we're alone but not while I'm out here. Out here I'm Rivaille." He explained. Erwin was sceptical and he didn't understand why but he agreed none the less.

"So who was that other guy with Horse?" Levi asked, curious about the freckled mans identity.

"His actual name is Marco Bodt but everyone calls him Freckles. Horse's real name is Jean Kirstein. The two are lovers. Jean owns the place and Marco's an employee, however the rules with him are very specific." Erwin explained.

"Who the hell gets out of high school and says they want to open a strip club?" Levi pondered out loud. He remembered the age of Historia and how she was so young. The thought that she could've became an escort made his stomach churn in an unpleasant way and part of it was because of Erwin. Maybe if he'd been there for Historia then she wouldn't have had to become a stripper or prostitute. It kind of made him mad. That, and the fact that Erwin didn't seem to be fazed by anything. His daughter died and he seemed to not care. He looked between the road and Erwin, examining both carefully. Erwin just looked straight ahead at the passing road, looking as if he was pondering something.

"Do you care?" Levi asked after a few beats of silence.

Erwin's head turned to Levi and he hummed in confusion.

"Do you care? About her, about any of this?" Erwin didn't answer immediately, thinking over the question. He shrugged. It seemed to trigger something in Levi.

"You don't care." His tone was disbelieving. "You don't care that your daughters dead. You don't care that she turned to prostitution and stripping for money. You don't care that she sold her body to disgusting old pigs just so she could eat. You don't care that she was only 19. You don't care that you never knew her. All these things and yet you don't care?" His voice started to get shaky and unstable; his own thoughts provoking memories that he'd rather leave in the past.

Erwin's expression changed to that of grief and maybe even guilt. He cast his gaze at his feet and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess I don't." Levi pondered his answer.

If Erwin was being honest he truly didn't care. He never knew Historia so why should he care? Yes it was a horrible way of thinking, but that's how Erwin had gotten through life so far. If he didn't know then he didn't care. This was just another example.

The inside of the car was silent; on the outside it was a bright and sunny day, the car rolling down the streets, heading back to Levi's place. He wanted to get all the new info sorted out with the rest.

Levi pulled into his usual parking spot and turned off the engine. He hopped out of the car and made his way into the building. Erwin seemed to be moving at a more sluggish pace, being a good 20 steps behind Levi. Levi did notice this but he didn't comment on it.

He slipped his key into the door and opened his apartment, toeing his shoes off at the entrance and putting his jacket on the rack he had hanging on the wall. Erwin followed in a few minutes later, however he forgot to take his shoes off upon entering.

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