Chapter 10

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A/N: holy shit, chapter 10. I'm proud of myself. I hope you are all enjoying the story. I have many more things planned for our crime solving duo in the future. And sorry for the very short chapter that I posted before this one. I just thought that leaving it on those words would be good. Thank you and enjoy the story as it is written from my mind onto this digital page. Thank you again and enjoy my creativity.

When Erwin awoke the next morning he had heavy eyelids and the barrel of a gun pressed to his forehead. His eyes shot open, becoming immediately aware of his surroundings. The first thing he seen clearly was Levi's enraged expression and his outstretched hand that was holding the gun. Neither of them spoke.

"What did you do?" Levi asked, eyes burning through Erwin's and the bridge of his nose wrinkled as he spoke through gritted teeth.

"What do you mean?" He said, voice raspy from sleep. He was still very confused as to why he was being held at gun point. His heart was going a million miles an hour in his chest and he felt that if there was anymore surprises that it might jump out and flop onto the floor with a wet smack to accompany it.

"You took your phone back. What did you do with it?" Levi asked, accentuating each word. Erwin simply shrugged.

"Maybe I just wanted to have it back. Or maybe I jerked off with it. Either way you'll never know." Despite having a gun pointed at his face he still managed to give off a sarcastic comment. Erwin liked to push his luck and this was just one of the many ways he did it.

Before Erwin could process the situation any further, Levi pointed the gun down at Erwin's crotch and squeezed the trigger, a click sound floating through the room before Erwin's yelling.

"What the fuck?!? You could have blown my dick off!!!"

"I have one bullet in here. If you spout one more fucking stupid thing I will pull the trigger until you don't have a dick. So choose your words carefully and try again." Levi said calmly and creepily.

Erwin's gaze turned from Levi to the open door of the room, and idea forming in his mind. He carefully gripped the edge of the blanket that was gathered up over his body on the bed and threw it at Levi, throwing the man off for a second while he jumped off the bed and ran for the door. He tripped on his way out and landed on his stomach, the only thing he heard was a loud bang and the sound of splintering wood. He turned in the direction of the sound and noticed a bullet hole in Levi's wall. He flipped himself onto his back and propped himself on his elbows, looking at Levi with a shocked and horrified expression.

"What the fuck?!?!" He yelled again. He turned back over and pulled himself off the floor, running out of the room to the living room where he tried to find a place to hide. Meanwhile Levi was digging around in his nightstand trying to find bullets. He did find one that he used to load the gun again, spinning the cylinder to add danger to the ordeal. And risk. He could have easily just killed Erwin if he had aimed down more. The thought almost excited him.

He walked out of the room and found Erwin in plain sight, still searching for a place to hide and keep himself safe.

"If you tell me what you did with your phone then I won't hurt you." Levi said, trying to make a deal with the trembling and terrified Erwin. It was funny for Levi to put Erwin in his place, making him scared and pathetic as he pointed a gun at him. It made him smirk. Although Erwin wouldn't go down so easily.


"No?" Levi asked, slowly crossing the room to where Erwin was standing tall and proud.

"That's not a good answer." Levi whispered, pulling the trigger once more. No luck. Erwin didn't flinch which seemed to make Levi even more mad. Levi pointed the gun back down at Erwin's crotch.

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