I turn into Wendy's drive thru and order myself a whole meal. I haven't ate junk food for like two years now. Let's see what everyone was talking about when they say it got better. I went on the highway and took a bite of the meal. Still taste the same to me, nothing new. I'm just going to eat it all, long drive to reach to my destination.

Long highway and finally got to my exit. I turn on my exit and drove straight down the city street. I stop right in front of a tall building. It doesn't look like a business building look like a place with bunch of fancy apartments. I walk to the entrance and went in. I look down on the paper that Ciel gave me for the apartment number.

I put the paper back in my pocket and walk to the elevator. I press the button to go up and waited for it to get me. People were starting to crowd me and my monster was full blown crazy. It felt like dancing. The elevator finally got to me and I went in with their people. Since, I got in first I press my number floor first. I was the last stop, the top floor. The 13th floor to be exact, what a terrible number to live on with me in your life.

Everyone slowly left the elevator on their stop, we stop,more people came in. I rock a little side to side. My floor was next. The door slid open and I walk out. I walk to the door at the end of the hall. Something wasn't right. I got to the door and the lock was broken. I was puzzled, I push the door a little and it open. I walk inside and it was dark.

I just continue walking inside and close the door behind me. I took out my gun and slowly walk in, I turn on the hall light and the light was blinking. I felt like this was just all a sick joke, I just walk more inside to the living room. I look around and someone was home. I wasn't alone. I heard a movement, I turn around fast to the noise.

I saw a shadow and it was moving towards me. A man stood tall in front of me. He didn't say nothing to me, he move closer to me and pass me and sat down. He place his hand out to the couch across from him. The sign to sit. I sat down with the gun in my hand. I look up at him and he just cross his legs and drink a beer. I swing my gun in my hand. It was silence between us,but it wasn't tense or uncomfortable.

"Good to see you, Danny." I look up when he spoke to me.

"Nice to see you too, Phil."

"I don't know why you here, but I know is because of Tommy. You're late."

"What you mean I'm late?" I was confused by his statement. Late?

"Yes,late you want the meeting plan and information to get Tommy." That what he was talking about.

"Is that why your lock is broken?" I turn to look at the door and back at him.

"They came in while I was sleeping, so since I didn't answer they open it themselves." He sip his beer and I just stare at him.

"Good to know, but I'm not here for the plans and sh*t."

He gave me a look and I sign. "What do you mean Danny?"

I got up and walk to him and sat on the coffee table in front of him. I was now hand reach away from him. I lean over to him and smile. He drunk his beer. I tilt my head and chuckle."I didn't come here for information.Phil." I lean more closer to him. "I came here to kill you Phil." His eyes widen by words. "Phil, no hard feelings, but I hate you. You and Tommy f**king is death to me. You're the under boss and you need to go." He took a sip of his beer and I push it in his mouth.

I force it in and he was choking. He was kicking and he grab me by my collar. We stare each other in the eyes. His eyes were full with fear, death, and silence. His eyes widen the more he look into mine. He must of saw my monster, because I sure as hell know he's in there. We was in this position for a while. He finally let go of my collar and I drag his body out the chair. I drag his body in the middle of the hall and let him go. I took out my gun and look him in the eyes and shoot him multiple times in a straight line going down.

I put my gun away and grab a knife from his kitchen and each bullet hole I grave through them. I open him up and slowly digger the knife deep in him. I then get sticky notes and place them over the bullet holes. I then wrote a little notes on each one for Tommy. I hope he like my nice little speech I left him. I wrote the same thing on his note. I have enough time so why not.   

"The lights we burn have all faded out

 Is anybody seeing this?
 We've left the dead behind in the crowd
We're not the enemy
We got the remedy
Well look around you, tell me what do they need?
You stand surrounded by a world on its knees
The love that only God could deed gets lost in the pride of our lives
And He cries"

I went to the bathroom and wash my hand. I went back to the living and turn off the light, the only light coming in was  from outside. I took out a smoke and lit it. I inhale and exhale.  I stood in this spot for a few. Turning to the body and looking down at him. 

I walk over the body and exit

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I walk over the body and exit. I press the elevator button and waited. The door open and in my surprise it was Tommy's men. The look at me and I smile at them. They don't know me, but I know them. I walk in pass them as they pass me towards Phil's apartment. I press the first floor and lean against the wall of the elevator. I watch as the door close and the men open the door in Phil's. Enjoy, little f**ktards.

I finally got to the first floor and I started to see more Tommy's men, I lower my head as for some of them know me. They ran to the elevator and I was now through the exit. I walk to my car and open the door. I park away from the building, I stood there and watch outside my car to see what happening. A blue Lamborghini park in front of the building. Tommy got out the sport car and look around. Our eyes caught each other's. I wink at him with a smirk and he look at me with a piss face. He tilt it side to side with a narrow eyes, still staring at me.

I wave bye to him and nod. I got in my car and start the engine. Tommy was still looking at me and I roll out the parking lot and Tommy finally disconnect his eyes from mine and walk in the building. I drive past the building and bow my horn and press down on the gas to go on the main road.

Back on the highway on my way to Kimberly's. I was going to go to the warehouse, but right now with my inner sin, I might go off on my own men. That wouldn't be f**king fun at all. I laugh at myself and I was almost there. I park in her driveway and got out the car. I knew she wasn't home, but I was going to wait for her. I suddenly saw a car stop in front of her house. A guy was driving and Kimberly then open the passenger door and got out. She said her goodbye and close the door. I smile at the sight of her. She walk toward her house and turn.

She look at me and smile. I got off my car and walk towards her. I was now face to face with her. She tiptoe and kiss my lips. The kiss was passionate and I could feel everything she was feeling. I bend down a little and lift her up. I carry her to the door and take the key from her hand and open the door. I enter with her in my hands and close the door.

..................Hello........inner self..........ah--...............hello.........silence...........  

"♥I never knew You were there

Just wanting to help me up when the road got hard
I'll never go there again
Discovering where You are
I tried to carry the ache alone
Thought I could brave the cold 
I found that I couldn't change the old
Never could break the mold 
So take my slow beating heart
You are where I belong, Kimberly"

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