chapter 28

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the next day...

Rebecca pov

i sighed. its true. he his very gay. gotta boyfriend and everything. i actually saw him when he brought zoro in for his surgery. he was also drop dead gorgeous. im pretty sure ive seen him before. i think he might be famous. i came into zoro's room to get him ready to go home. i just have to wait till he wakes up from the anesthesia. i gotta tell him what has to happen for the surgery to be a success. i got the sponge ready and started to get him cleaned up. i lifted his gown. i noticed his hand was in his pants. i face palmed. this isn't what i wanted to clean up this morning. i pulled his hand out his pants. yeah. white and sticky. disgusting. i took a disposable towel and cleaned him up. i took the sponge and cleaned him the rest of the way up. i cant even be excited about seeing his manhood. its actually kinda depressing now. to see such a miraculous piece of equipment no being used to its full potential. he could get soooooo much pussy but he chose dick. its just devastating. i cleaned him up and rinsed him off. i heard him groaning. "...mark....where are yooooouuuu...," he writhed in the bed constantly feeling around for something. i choked. the tears started to flow. shit. why do i keep torturing myself with this? wanting someone who is not only completely unavailable, but is already taken. im just stupid. i...i need a minute. i walked out the door.

zoro pov

i didn't want to wake up. i was having such a wondrous dream last night. i just wanted to sleep till i can make it a reality. i sighed. i can feel him. he was here last night. felt like he held my hand. i got a kiss before he left for the night. feels like i just got a sponge bath. im clean. i know i masturbated in my sleep last night. i need to apologize to the nurse, whenever he/she makes it back. im ok. i got the surgery. i tried to wiggle my toes. they hurt to move but i could move them. looks like the surgery was a success. good. just a few more weeks. this wound on my chest will have closed up enough to not need the dressings. my feet will have healed enough to where i can stand on them. probably only shortly but i can still stand. then....oh boy then. finally. my face felt hot. just imagining it is amazing. fucking amazing. shit. we still gotta make it to that point. meanwhile we gotta actually date. i sighed. i dont think ive ever felt this way. ever. literally every second of every day i wanna fuck mark. i want to just go at it till i can feel my fucking legs. wow am i desperate. i fucked sanji the first day we met but mark....its like the world doesn't want us to go at it. everything just screams no. i bet mark thinks like that too. i sighed. this isn't healthy. we wont be able to focus on us without thinking about going at it. its terrible really. "oh!! i see you are awake, Mr Roronoa. i just went to...go get your chart and tell you a bit about whats gonna happen afterwards," the pink haired nurse walked over to the bed and pulled out my chart. "sooo....good news is that the surgery was a complete success. you should be up and about in around three weeks. the doctor has prescribed two weeks of physical therapy, followed by the use of crutches for around a week and you should be fine. you actually responded very well to the surgery so you will recover much faster than most people. most of the time it takes around three months but for you, only three weeks. im soooo happy for you. now. you wont need to stay here for any longer than you want to. we have you set to spend today in the hospital and go home tomorrow but you can go home today if you want," she said. "id like to talk to my boyfriend about what he wanna do first but i dont know how i can call him. ill just wait till he comes by later on today," i said. he is definitely coming by today at some point. he will probably want me to come home but i dont know. ill just ask him. she did some writing on a note pad. "ok. ill be sure to let the doctor know. meanwhile, ill get your paperwork together. your bill has already been paid in full and then some so you wont have to worry about anything. just focus on getting better," she patted my arm and left. i sighed. i really cant wait till he shows up. when ever. till then, i guess ill just watch tv.

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