chapter 14

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2 days later...

"the party is tonight?" doffy nodded. i had just got here from the hotel to get started modeling today. "ok. where is it?" doffy rummaged through his drawers and pulled out a notepad. he scribbled on it and handed me a slip of paper. "dress code is casual. nothing fancy. jeans and a tee will do just fine. ill send the car to come get you around 8 tonight," he said. just me? "is smoker coming?" he just shook his head. i guess that is ok. i wont have to worry about smoker trying to do anything. i had came back to the hotel last night to find that all the other rooms in the hotel were still full. if that wasn't bad enough, i went back to smoker's room to see that all other beds in the room had been removed. yup. just the fucking California king remained. i had went down to registration to ask for another bed, 'im sorry. only the owner of the room can make such a request.' i ended up sleeping in the bed with him fully clothed and he was pissed. he kept trying to take em off all last night. "ok. where is the stuff im to model today?" doffy got up from his desk and i followed him to a dress rack. he handed me a  stack of fruit of the loom briefs and boxer briefs. "you are on set 2 today. they already have their orders," i nodded and headed into my dressing room.

in order to keep attention on the undies, i couldn't wear anything else. so i had to parade through the studio in just these white briefs. good thing im sexy or this would never work. i went over to set 2 and stood in front of the cameras. "ok. im ready for the first pose," i said. the photographer shook her head. "doffy said that we wont pose you for this line of undies. just stand there comfortably. they are meant to look comfortable," she said. i nodded. i just kept shifting my weight between my heels as she snapped hundreds of photos of me. i looked over at set 1 to see that boa hancock is also a model. she noticed me looking and blew me a kiss. i chuckled. "YES!!! keep doing whatever you are doing!!" both our photographers shouted in unison. she was modeling some Victoria's secret lingerie. she got on the floor seductively and started crawling to me. i giggled. her photographer walked all around her snapping photos. i got the signal for the next outfit.

9 hours later...

it was finally time to go back to the hotel. i gathered my things and put my clothes back on. i was headed out the door when i was stopped by doffy. "i just wanted to tell you that i did a limited release teaser for the next issue of the magazine that features you. the ratings have skyrocketed. people simply cant wait till the magazine comes out next week. i am designing the magazine right now. all i need is the article of you. i have set up an interview for you with one of our writers. its around 11 am at a nice coffee shop. here are the details," he handed me a slip of paper. i nodded and headed out.

i got down to the waiting car and hopped in. smoker was there too. "that was mean," he pouted. "i told you several times. we are over. just because you got rid of the other beds doesn't mean ill just cuddle with you. its not that i wouldn't. its just that if i did, you would keep thinking that we are still together," i said. the car pulled off.

we got back to the hotel. we headed up to the room. i took a seat on the edge of the bed and began to strip. smoker jumped in the bed behind me. i finished stripping and i took a quick shower. i came out and put on some nice jeans, a collared white tee shirt, and a white and blue snap back hat. i put on some nice tennis shoes. "where the hell are you going?" asked smoker. " im going to a party tonight. i would ask if you were coming but i already know that you aren't," i got up and looked at the clock, 7:45 pm. ok. i headed out the room.

i got down to the lobby. i took a seat till the car got here. i hopped in and it took off. it took me far out of the city to a mansion about the size of mine back home. it was nice. i got out and headed to the front door. i knocked. a few minutes later doffy came to the door. he wore blue jeans and a white tee. some regular shades and some nice converse tennis shoes. i couldn't believe it. he was actually wearing normal clothes for once. "welcome to my humble abode, mark. im so glad you could make it. please, come right in," he motioned for me to come inside. i walked in. it was a bustle of people in jeans and tees sipping juice and chatting. some sporadic laughter. i sighed. this actually seems like a normal party. doffy closed the door and stood in front of me. "there is a nice buffet over there. plenty of good liquor so drink to hearts content," he said. i shook my headed rapidly. "i don't drink. do you have like punch or something?" he looked at me funny. he put a hand on my shoulder and started laughing dramatically. he wiped the tears from under his shades. "oh that was a good one. you really had me going there," he looked at my serious face. he stopped laughing. "you are serious, aren't you?" i nodded. he sighed. "get me some punch," he told a random waiter. he nodded and ran to the kitchen. he sighed. "i just don't know how you could have a good time without drinking," he just shook his head in sadness. the waiter returned with a glass of red juice. he handed it to me. "please, enjoy the party," he said sadly. he pouted as he walked away. i walked over with my juice and took a seat on the sofa. some girls were talking on the other sofa when they noticed me. they jumped up eagerly and came to sit next to me. "you must be mark!! im so excited to finally meet you in person!! when i looked at the guest list, i saw your name but i just figured it was just someone who shared the name. im so glad to meet you," she shook my hand. "im a major fan of your music. i also heard that you are doing a little bit of modeling too," she said. i sighed. i sipped the juice as the girls talked my ears off.

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