if dan was a lawyer-part 1 // oneshot 1

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[word count // 730]

"I've graduated from law school!"
Dan exclaimed with glory and triumph to the camera Phil bought him in celebration. He was still dressed in semi-formal clothing from this afternoons lunch with his family, and Phil's.

Phil soon came into view and started rambling on how Dan stressed before his final exams more then he has ever freaked out before.

"After all those existential crisis's, binging, and study sessions, you've made it Dan!" Phil smiled at his best friend in front of the camera and gave him a sideways hug.

Dan squirmed, and pretending to flail and fall back, but he was smiling back when we had accidentally knocked over the camera.

"Don't worry Dan, I'll get it," you'd here Phil quickly say, not being able to see him let go of Dan and place the Camera back on its stand.

Phil's phone rang suddenly, forcing Phil to leave the video and take the call. After minutes, he left the apartment but not before telling Dan he'd be back soon enough.

"Where you going?" Dan loudly said from his room, hoping Phil hasn't left yet.

"Just errands to run!" Phil yelled from the hallway, probably irritating neighbors. But he didn't care, Dan seemed so happy he felt the bright glow himself.

Dan continued on;
"Phil's left on errands,"
"Shit my throat hurts from yelling."
"Here's my diploma,"
"Look at this awesome shit!"
"Can't wait to be a mother freaking lawyer!"
He was grinning madly, he hasn't been able to upload in a long time, but he was glad he had good news to share to the world.

It was almost half past 4 when Dan wrapped up his video session and prepared to transfer all videos to his computer. He started to edit but not before 6 minutes in he had been called several times friends and family. He'd ignored them all, making a mental note to return all calls. He just wanted to relax and edit on his new Mac, a gift from his parents. Dan stuck on cat whisker stickers on the cover, he thought this was the one aesthetic exception he'd have. He didn't want it ruin the cover at first but Phil urged and he ended up loving the overall result.

An hour later, he's edited the cuts and stuff, now he needed to finish off. Actually, he needed to relax, Dan felt the need NOT to edit at the moment. He tried turning on Netflix and watching Sherlock, but that didn't go especially well. While Sherlock flirted with John, Dan was playing with his fringe wondering what took Phil so long.

Errands. He'd tell himself.

But he couldn't help but wonder, what errands took so long?

He tried calling Phil but it went straight to voicemail;

"Hello it's Phil Lester! I'm probably busy taming house plants so do leave a message! Bye!"

The long beep proceeded after that, leaving Dan alone. His eyes trailed to the tv screen but he just wanted to celebrate finishing school.

Graduation was a day ago, he still felt the glare of cameras and proud faces in the crowd. He could still taste the champagne, that was passed around after the speeches.

Maybe he needed a drink.

So Dan went into the kitchen, upon the note on the fridge that defiantly was not there 2 hours ago when he opened it up for grab this mornings left over coffee.

It was from Phil, Dan could immediately tell by the handwriting, scripted onto the scrap paper.

"Dan— they weren't just errands. You should come to the *un readable name* hotel, it's down 43th street. Everyone's here to see you!
—a very proud friend, Phil :))"

Dan felt warmed by the smiley he drew, covering most what's left on the yellow paper. He quickly combed through his hair, took a glance in a mirror, and ran down.

He was about to enter the hotel doors when someone pulled him back.

A police officer.

"What is the problem, sir?"
Dan briskly asked, annoyed.

He wasn't annoyed when he realized something was wrong.
There were sirens.
And ambulances.
And fire trucks all at the base of the hotel.

What almost made him feint was when he saw Phil.

Unconscious, laid down on a mat by an ambulance.

What made Dan scream was how Phil would not reply when he called his name.

//the note at the end; yeah somewhat cliff hanger and yee first oneshot!! do leave feedback.

dan and phil // one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now