Chapter 15: Sasori vs. Deidara

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"It's nice to meet you Pein. I am Rika Hatake." I smiled at him.

"Hatake?" I heard Itachi mutter and turned to him nodding.

"As in Kakashi Hatake?" Kakuzu asked.

"Yeah that's my dad." I grinned and noticed Itachi still staring at me.

I went over to the couch he was on and sat by him, "Is something wrong Itachi?" I asked quietly.

He leaned and said quietly so only I heard him, "Do you know Sasuke Uchiha?"

"Yeah I do. He's one of my friends." I grinned, "After our first mission we got really close. He saved me and I helped him when dad was teaching us new jutsus."

He nodded, seeming more relaxed at that, "Wait...are you his brother? He talks about you..." I frowned.

"About revenge?" Itachi asked and I nodded.

"I heard what you did. Sasuke hates you now." I whispered sadly, "Why did you do it?"

He put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair a bit, "I cannot tell you that. That is classified information."

"I wish you could tell me. Maybe Sasuke wouldn't hate you then." I said frowning and turned hearing Hidan.

"Holy sh*t. First she can get the old f*cker to let her sit near him and actually touch his money and now she can get the damn Uchiha to talk to her. This b*tch has powers or some sh*t." Hidan said in awe.

"I don't have powers. I just talk to them." I shrugged and chuckled.

"Konan and I will be back. Keep our guest company." Pein said, walking out of the room with Konan.

I smiled going over to Sasori and watched him work on a puppet.

"Why are you watching Sasori no Danna work hm? You should see my art." Deidara smirked getting out some clay.

"That is not art, you brat. True art is eternal." Sasori said, not looking up from working on his puppet.

"Your art is pathetic Sasori no Danna. True art is an explosion hm!" Deidara grinned.

"Here they go again." Kisame sighed which caused me to look up at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"They are always fighting over what true art is." Kisame said watching them.

"Why does he have clay if he said art was an explosion then? You use clay to make sculptures and-" I yelped when Deidara grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the hideout.

"This is what true art is hm." He grinned and put the clay in his hand. He clenched his fist and when he opened his hand there was a clay bird.

"Woah. Cool." I grinned and watched as he threw it up and put two fingers to his lips and said, "Katsu."

I jumped as the clay bird exploded and watched the different colors in the sky from the explosion, "That is my true art." Deidara laughed watching me.

"Why do you have so much clay?" I asked noticing his bag full of clay.

"This is my weapon. I form this clay to whatever I want and use it to attack my enemies. Sometimes I make them in to bugs so they never see them on them, until it is too late that is hm." He grinned.

"That must come in handy. I like it." I grinned back up at him.

"It does hm." He said leading me back inside and smirked, "Sasori no Danna, you should have seen her face. She loves my art hm. Guess that shows what true art really is."

"So what do you say hm?" He asked me.

I looked up at him confused, "What?"

"My art. You like it better no? Don't you agree that true art is an explosion!"

"Well...I haven't seen Sasori' I can't compare." I chuckled scratching the back of my neck.

"Then let's go." Sasori stood up and walked out of the room.

"Huh? Go where?" I asked confused.

"You will see that my art is true art." He said and I quickly followed him to a room and when I stepped inside I saw hundreds of puppets all over the walls and floor.

"Why do you have so many? You must love to build puppets." I grinned.

"Like I said earlier. I use my puppets to fight. Each puppet has different abilities and I can summon them whenever I want during a fight."

"Wow." I said in awe and walked up to one of the puppets and raised my hand touching it.

My hand quickly moved out of the way, involuntarily, and as I was about to ask why a kunai shot out of the puppet and hit the wall behind me.

"Careful. I told you they were my weapons." Sasori spoke from behind me.

"Y-yeah. Sorry." I said, still in shock.

"It was also poisonous. Be glad I moved your hand out of the way." Sasori said getting the kunai and put it back in the puppet.

I spent a couple of more minutes in there as Sasori taught me about his puppets and walked out, only to run into Deidara.

"So after seeing that. Bet you like my art better hm?" He grinned.

"Actually I like both." I smiled innocently at them.

"Both? You can't like both. Art is either eternal or an explosion. Lasting for only a second hm." Deidara said.

"Well I think I can like both. You both have your different styles that match your personalities exactly. And it works for you both. Sasori uses his puppets while fighting and you use your clay. If there was only one type of art then one of you wouldn't be able to fight. I like the idea of art being a variety of different things. Sure looking at paintings and pictures are great because it is eternal and everyone can enjoy it for many years, but sometimes sitting down and enjoying some fireworks is great you know? I like both types of art." I smiled at them and heard someone calling my name so I went down the hall to see who it was.

*Deidara P.O.V.*

"She thinks...both types of our art...are true art? She is special hm." I said watching Rika walk away.

"Yes she is." Sasori no Danna said from beside me, "But even art is true art." He said walking out of the hall.

"Sasori no Danna!" I yelled frustrated and followed after him.

(Small author's note here. How are you guys liking the new story? I'm not getting a lot of comments so I'm not sure if the story is good or not? Can I get some feedback please? What do you like about it? Don't like about it? Please comment and let me know. Thank you!!)

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