Chapter 14: Welcome to the Hideout

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I walked out of the room shaking.

"When Hidan said pray to Lord Jashin...I didn't know he meant sacrificing...and why did he make me witness that?" I asked myself, still shocked at what I just saw, "Never again will I see that." I muttered and started walking down a hall.

"Now where is Tobi with some clothes." I said looking around.

I was walking around, now lost, but still trying to find Tobi when I suddenly stopped walking.

"H-hey what's going on?" I asked scared and turned around, against my will, and saw a man with red hair and brown eyes staring at me.

"Who are you?" I asked confused.

"I should be asking you that." He said, still staring at me.

"I'm Rika. Tobi brought me here to get me warmer clothes to change in to. But then he left...yelling at someone named Deidara?"

"Of course he did." I heard him sigh.

"Who are you? And how come I can't move?" I asked, confused and scared.

He just stared at me, analyzing me, and I saw his hands out and chakra strings leading from his fingers to me.

"Hey, how are you doing that? That's cool." I grinned staring at the chakra strings.


"Yeah cool. I want to do that." I chuckled, "What is your name mister?"

"You sure are an interesting one." He hummed and made me walk to him, "My name is Sasori and these are called chakra threads. I am a puppet master. This is how I fight."

"Woah. So you could make me fight for you?" I asked.

"Yes. If I wanted to use you as my weapon." He answered.

"Can you teach me?" I asked, eyes wide in excitement.

He tilted his head a bit, seeming confused at how interested I was. He was about to say something when we heard, "So this is who Tobi is yelling about."

Sasori released the chakra threads from me and I turned my head seeing a man who

"Hello. I am Rika. Who are you?" I smiled up at him.

He raised an eyebrow wondering why I didn't act scared seeing him and answered, "I am Kisame Hoshigaki."

"Why are you blue? Are you cold?" I tilted my head causing him to laugh.

"I like you kid. And no I am not cold." He grinned.

"But you're blue? And your teeth are really sharp. Are you part shark?!" I grinned.

He chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder leading me away from Sasori, "Let me take you back to the front." He said.

I nodded and turned around waving to Sasori, "Bye Sasori!" I grinned and followed Kisame.

Kisame and I got along great and were talking about missions we have been on when I heard a voice say, "Kisame."

"Hm? Oh Itachi." Kisame said turning us around to face a man with black hair, tied in a pony tail, and red eyes.

The man, Itachi, looked over at me not saying anything but narrowed his eyes a bit.

"Oh this is Rika. Tobi brought her in." Kisame said.

"He said I needed new clothes but he left the moment we got here." I said chuckling and sneezed a bit.

"And now you are probably getting sick." Kisame sighed.

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