Chapter 2: Welcome to Konoha

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I was walking through the woods. Alone. I was scared, I mean who wouldn't be scared in my position?

I'm 6 years old and I am running away from my village, or what used to be my village. My village was attacked which is very surprising considering it is a small non ninja village. But I guess that is why it was attacked. Somebody did not like that we were not a ninja village and got angry? I don't know.

I'm not sad at the fact the village is destroyed. Why? Everyone hated me because I wanted to be a ninja. I read about them and thought they were the coolest, strongest, and bravest people ever. I trained by myself and once they learned what I was doing they hurt me.

You're probably thinking I can't train because I'm 6 right? I can't do much. Just run, punch, and kick the trees. I want to get stronger and that's all I know what to do.

Anyway all I know is that I came home from the market and my house was on fire. Screams were everywhere and soon the whole village was on fire. I quickly ran not knowing what else to do. So now here I am. Running.

I just picked a direction and ran. It has been about a week and I'm exhausted. I ate all the food I bought from the market and I don't know what else to do.

I was running until I tripped over a tree root and felt my arms get cut from the fall.

'This is not what I need right now. I'm tired. Hungry. Cold. I don't know if I will make it.' I thought sadly and put up my hood as it started raining.

"Hm? What's that?" I tilted my head and saw a giant gate. "Woah. A village." I smiled and went through the gate and kept walking when I heard two voices

 "Hey! What are you doing here?" They called out.

I panicked thinking they were going to hurt me and ran hearing their shouts. 

I kept running but screamed when one of them grabbed me and turned me to face them.

He had a bandage over his nose that went over his cheeks and a ninja headband on. "We just need to talk to you." He said calmly and saw my tears going down my cheeks.

"Hey it's okay. We will not hurt you. You're safe." He said softly and I looked at the other guy who had hair covering one eye and was also wearing a ninja headband and he nodded smiling.

I nodded a bit still not trusting them but felt my exhaustion take over before falling over and it all went black.

Kakashi's Adopted Daughter (rewrite)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt