Chapter 7: Bonding Time With Kakashi

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Everybody left his office and now it was just Iruka, Ibiki, Kakashi, and me.

"Okay Rika has told me what she wants to do." The Hokage said smiling.

"How come all three of us had to stay? She cannot choose all of us." Iruka asked confused.

"I am getting to that Iruka." The Hokage chuckled, "Now Ibiki, I kept you here because I was wondering. How would you like Rika to watch over you some days in the interrogation unit? She did say she was interested in that. What do you say?"

Ibiki nodded his head smirking down at me, "Of course Lord Hokage. I will schedule a day to do so."

The Hokage nodded and turned to Iruka, "Now Iruka. Prepare Rika to start classes next year. She said her birthday is next month so when she starts next year she will be 8...or almost 8." He chuckled smiling, "She will be in the class with Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. Two students that you have probably heard of."

Iruka nodded his head at that, "I would be happy to have you in my class next year." He smiled at me.

"I would be happy to have you as my teacher next year." I smiled back.

"Now Rika. Would you like to announce the next thing?" The Hokage asked.

I looked nervously at the Hokage who nodded and gave me a reassuring smile. I took a couple steps towards Kakashi and looked up at him, "Can I live with you?" I asked him quietly.

Kakashi looked shocked but tilted his head closing his eye and I could tell he was smiling, "Sure. I would love to have you live with me." He said kindly.

Kakashi P.O.V.

Rikas' eyes got brighter after I told her I would love for her to live with me. She ran and hugged me around my waist and I chuckled kneeling down, hugging her back.

"Well it's settled. Rika, you will now be living with Kakashi." The Hokage said smiling, "I need you to sign these papers."

I nodded pulling away from Rika and walked to his desk sighing them.

"Good. Now here is some money to get Rika some necessities. Clothes, food, supplies, and anything else she needs." Lord Hokage said giving me some money, "Now you two go and get to know each other. I will talk to Ibiki and Iruka so we can discuss her classes. I will see you later Kakashi and Rika."

I nodded motioning to Rika that we could leave and as we were walking through Konoha I noticed people staring at Rika in confusion. She looked down messing with her fingers nervously and she moved closer to me to get away from the staring.

I stopped walking and held out my hand, "They are just staring because you are new, and with me." I told her trying to relax her, "It's okay."

She looked up and grabbed my hand tightly as we walked to Ichiraku Ramen.

"I figured you would like to eat ramen. Everybody likes ramen." I told her, noticing her smile as we walked closer to the restaurant.

Rika P.O.V.

I walked by Kakashi as we went to a restaurant called Ichiraku and I couldn't wait! I was starving.

I sat down by Kakashi as a woman walked up, "Hello I am Ayame. What would you like?"

I looked down at the menu not knowing what to get and looked up nervously at Kakashi who chuckled ordering miso ramen for us both.

Ayame nodded and walked up to get our orders.

"Thank you." I told Kakashi smiling who nodded back to me.

"Now we can go shopping after we eat. You need clothes, other supplies, and I need more food." Kakashi chuckled.

I nodded getting excited but looked as Ayame came back with our food.

"Thank you." I told him smiling and looked down at the chopsticks confused. I tried using them but couldn't figure out how and when I looked up Kakashi was already done with his food.

"H-how..?" I asked confused and frowned.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I wanted to see your face." I pouted which caused him to chuckle and watch as I tried using the chopsticks.

"Come here." He told me and picked me up, putting me on his lap.

He moved my bowl and chopsticks in front of us and I looked back at him, "What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I'm teaching you how to use these." He answered teaching me, and soon I was using them.

"Thanks!" I grinned eating all the ramen.

After we ate he set some money down for the bill and we walked out.

"Now to get some clothes." He hummed as we walked to a store.

*Time skip after getting all of the necessary clothes*

"Now time to go home." Kakashi said holding my hand, but as he walked I felt myself getting more tired.

I yawned which caused him to look at me and kneel down, "Hop on." He said.

"Why?" I tilted my head confused.

"You're tired and will not be able to make it home."

I nodded getting on his back and as he walked I laid my head on his shoulder falling asleep almost instantly.

I woke up later to being laid down on a bed and Kakashi getting ready to walk out of the room, "Don't leave." I said scared, "Don't leave me. Please." I whimpered.

He quickly turned around and saw my terrified look and got in the bed by me, wrapping his arms around me so I was close to him.

"I won't leave you. I promise. You won't be alone again." I heard him say softly as I fell back asleep, not realizing that he pulled down his mask and kissed the top of my head.

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