Chapter 8: Rock, Paper, Scissors!

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(I'm sorry for the late update. The past few weeks have been crazy trying to get ready for college. I should be having more regular updates in August when I get moved in to my dorm. So until then bare with me and the slow updates please!)

I woke up the next morning and sat up looking around. I was in a strange room but after thinking a while I remembered, -Kakashi carried me home. I fell asleep...and he brought me here.- 

I got out of bed and frowned shivering. I went to the closet and got out a big gray shirt that I found and tied the end up with a hair tie so it would not look so big.

"There. Done." I smiled a little and went downstairs and saw Kakashi at the table reading a book.

"Rika. Are you wearing my shirt?" Kakashi said, looking over at me and chuckling.

"I woke up and I was it okay? I can put it back." I said quietly, and still a bit tired.

"No no keep it." He chuckled, "But I will make sure to buy you more warmer clothes."

I nodded and he motioned to a plate at the table, "Would you like some breakfast?"

I quickly nodded and he opened his arms, "Come here."

I smiled a little as I walked up to him and he picked me up, setting me on his lap.

"Thank you." I said happily eating the food on the plate.

"You're welcome." I heard him say and went to eat a piece of bacon but it was stolen from my hand.

I quickly turned around and pouted seeing him chewing but his mask was on, "Aw man."

"Don't worry. You will see what is under the mask eventually." He laughed at me still pouting.

"Now go get changed. We have to see Lord Hokage." He told me after we got done eating.

I nodded and ran upstairs quickly getting ready.

After, Kakashi and I walked to the Hokage building and knocked on his door.

"Come in." The Hokage said, and we did so seeing Iruka and Ibiki in the room as well.

"Kakashi you are late." The Hokage sighed.

"I apologize. You see we had to help a lady cross the street." He said smiling and tilted his head with his eye closed.

The Hokage shook his head and motioned us to his desk.

I grabbed Kakashi's hand and stood close by him as we went to his desk.

"Rika," The Hokage started, "Are you liking it here so far?"

I nodded quickly and gave him a small smile.

He smiled back and asked, "What have you two done?"

"We...we went shopping and ate ramen. We went for a walk.."  I trailed off thinking, "Oh! He taught me how to use chopsticks." I smiled more looking up at him and walked up to him.

I heard Kakashi starting to say something but the Hokage held up his hand, stopping Kakashi from talking.

I smiled after telling the Hokage what I wanted and ran off to Iruka.

*Kakashi P.O.V.*

I watched as Rika ran off to Iruka and turned to Lord Hokage who said, "Kakashi. You've done well. She is opening up more. She is acting happier. I think she likes it here a lot." 

We both turned to Rika and saw she was sitting on the ground with Iruka in front of her.

"Okay rock, paper, scissors...shoot!" Rika yelled and pouted when Iruka said, "I win. Rock beats scissors."

Rika grinned and quickly switched to paper, "I win now!" She giggled.

I chuckled and turned to Lord Hokage, "What did Rika tell you earlier?"

"Oh she was just telling me how much she liked it here, and that you were nicer than the others who have cared for her in the past."

I smiled at that and Lord Hokage said, "Kakashi. Tomorrow we will enroll her to be in Iruka's class next year. Make sure you get here on time to do that." 

"Hai, Lord Hokage." I nodded and walked over to Rika who had Iruka's hand in hers, trying to find out how scissors could beat rock.

"Come on little one. We need to get home." I told her, picking her up.

"But I have to show Iruka that scissors can beat rock." She pouted.

"It cannot beat rock." I told her chuckling.

"Well it should be able to." She crossed her arms, pouting more.

I laughed shaking my head and let her get on my back as we walked back home.

Kakashi's Adopted Daughter (rewrite)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant