Chapter 11: Team Introductions

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I sighed as we waited a couple more minutes and soon we saw a hand in the door. The person opened the door and the eraser fell and hit them on the head.

I was about to comment when I saw who was at the door and smiled, -Dad!- I thought happily.

"My first impression of you-" Dad started as he picked up the eraser, "You're all a bunch of idiots." He said as we all sighed.

"Let's go to the roof." Dad hummed as he disappeared.

I smiled, quickly leaving the room and went upstairs with the others following me.

"Now, let's introduce ourselves. One at a time." Dad said calmly.

"What are we supposed to say?" Sakura asked tilting her head.

"Things you like. Things you hate. Dreams for the future. Hobbies." He shrugged.

"Well why don't you go first. Tell us about yourselves sensei." Naruto said.

"Me?" Dad asked pointing to himself, "I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate? I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future? Never thought about it. And hobbies? I have lots of hobbies." He said which caused me to giggle quietly at the others' confused faces.

"You on the right. Go." Dad said.

"Believe it! I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup and I especially like the ramen Iruka-sensei bought me at Ichiraku noodle shop! But I hate the 3 minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen. My hobbies? Eating different kinds of ramen! And my future dream is... to be the greatest Hokage so the village will have to respect me and stop treating me like a nobody." He said grinning.

"Alright." Dad nodded looking at Sakura, "Next."

"I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like...I mean the person I like" She trailed off looking at Sasuke, blushing and giggling, "My hobby is..." She trailed off still staring at Sasuke, "My dream for the future..." She trailed off STILL staring at Sasuke and squealed.

"And what do you hate?" Dad asked sighing.

"Naruto!" She yelled which shocked Naruto and caused me to frown at her.

"Now you." Dad said looking at Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality. I am going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone." He said, more to himself.

"Hm." Dad nodded and looked at me, "Last one."

"I am Rika Hatake." I said but was interrupted before I could continue.

"Hatake!" Naruto and Sakura yelled at the same time.

"Wait that's his last name!" Naruto pointed at dad and I nodded about to say something before dad said, "Let her continue."

Naruto pouted sitting down and looked between dad and I trying to find similarities.

"Anyway. I like my dad. And before you say anything he is my adoptive dad. Not my real one Naruto." I chuckled shaking my head, "I also like reading and spending time with Ibiki-sensei." I smiled, "I hate people who judge others without knowing them and bullies..." I trailed off remembering my past and shook my head. "My hobbies? Reading and exploring new parts of Konoha. And my dream for the future? To find my real parents and ask them...questions." I smiled looking up at dad grinning, who chuckled because he knew what I was talking about.

"Good. You four are unique and have your own ideas. We will have our first mission tomorrow." Dad said which caused Naruto to get excited.

"What mission will it be?" He asked.

"It is a task that us five will do together. It is a survival exercise." Dad answered.

"What? I thought we were supposed to have an actual mission. Not more practice. We did all that at the academy. That is how we got here." Sakura said.

"This will not be like your practice at the academy." Dad said.

"So what kind of training?" Naruto asked which caused dad to chuckle, and all of us looked confused.

"What's so funny?" Sakura asked.

"If I told you the answer. You're not going to like it." Dad said still chuckling, then looked up at us. "Out of the 28 graduates only 10 will be accepted as Genin. The other 18 will go back to the academy. This is a pass or fail test and the chance that you'll fail is at least 66%." He said.

"What?!" Naruto yelled confused as I stared at dad wide eyed.

-He...he didn't tell me that.- I thought worried.

"See. I told you, you wouldn't like it." Dad said.

"No that's crazy! We worked hard to get here! What was the graduation test for anyway?!" Naruto asked.

"That was to select candidates who might become Genin. That's how it is. I decide whether you pass or fail." Dad said crossing his arms, "Be at the training spot at 5 A.M. and bring your ninja gear." Dad turned around to get ready and leave.

"Wait! This isn't fair!" Sakura shouted which caused dad to look at her.

"What isn't fair?" He asked.

"Rika is your daughter! Of course you are going to pass her! We have to work hard to pass this test but you're going to pass her because she is your daughter!" Sakura crossed her arms glaring at me, which caused me to look down.

"I do not play favorites. If she passes, she passes. If she does not, she fails and gets sent back to the academy. I know what it takes to be a ninja and if she does not show the capability of passing this test and becoming a Genin, then I will fail her. There are no favorites when it comes to being a ninja." Dad said narrowing his eye at her which made Naruto and Sakura quickly look away to avoid his look.

"Sorry sensei." Sakura mumbled quietly and turned to me getting ready to say something but I stood up, "Come on dad let's go." I said walking to him.

He nodded and we turned to leave, "Okay you are all dismissed. Oh and by the way, tomorrow you better skip breakfast. Or you will puke." He said picking me up and put me on his back as we went home.

"Well I have one teammate who hates me." I said getting off of dads back as we got home.

"She's more obsessed with impressing Sasuke than worrying about the feelings of others." He said ruffling my hair.

"I'll just show her tomorrow that I'm going to be a great ninja and I will pass your test without her and her opinions." I grinned up at dad.

There was a look in his eye when I said that but it quickly changed to happy again, "Well good luck with that. I will see you tomorrow morning." He hummed.

I nodded, still confused, and hugged him tightly and kissed his mask covered cheek, "Goodnight." I said running to my room to prepare for tomorrow's test.

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