58. We're Having Another Baby

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"Thank you and they're good. A handful but good," I replied.

"Ready to add another one into that mix already?" she asked as she got the wand ready to insert it into me.

"Yep. It was her idea actually," Dave said as I squeezed his hand tightly. I hated the first ultrasound. That wand felt weird.

"Well let's see if you guys were successful on your honeymoon. Feet in the stir ups please Brittany," Dr. Ying said. I put my feet in the stir ups. I looked at Dave trying to focus on my breathing. I closed my eyes as she inserted it and I felt Dave kiss my hand. I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling.

"Well look at that. You guys are having another baby. There's the little one right there," Dr. Ying said as she pointed at the screen. I looked over to see where she was pointing. Dave was smiling like an idiot.

"You are about five weeks along it looks like. Congratulations you two. I'll go get you some prenatal vitamins while you get dressed," Dr. Ying said as she took out the wand and left the room. Dave helped me off the table and I got dressed. Once I was dressed, Dave hugged and kissed me.

"We're gonna have another baby baby," I said.

"That we are," He replied as Dr. Ying came back in.

"You know the drill because I drilled it into your head last time. Make sure you take the vitamins everyday," she said as Dave took the viramins from her.

"I'll make sure she does," Dave replied.

"I'll see you guys in about seven weeks for the twelve week ultrasound. Book it wih Dr. Grey on the way out," Dr. Ying said as we followed her out of the room.

"Hello again Miss Lane and Mr. Grohl," Dr. Grey said as she came around the corner.

"Dr. Grey, please help Mr and Mrs Grohl book their twelve week ultrasound appointment please," Dr. Ying said to her as she handed her my file.

"Yes Dr. Ying. Please follow me. Congratulations on the new baby and the marriage," Dr. Grey said as we stood at a counter behind the counter.

"Thank you. So when can we get in again?" I asked as she started doing something on the computer.

"How about November 25. Dr. Ying is available late in the afternoon at around 4:30 PM if that's ok with you guys," Dr. Grey said as she looked at both of us.

"I think I can make it," Dave said as he put on his glasses and pulled out his phone to look at his calendar.

"I can amke it if he can't," I replied.

"I'll be here," Dave said as he took his glasses off. I smiled as I looked at him and he put his hand on my lower back.

"Ok I got you booked for November 25 at 4:30 PM. I gotta ask how you're little ones are doing. I'm sorry if I'm being nosey but they where the first birthes I got to assist on," Dr. Grey asked.

"They are doing great. 16 months old and getting into lots of trouble. We mgiht have them with us next time," I replied with a smile.

"Well I can't wait to see them and you guys again. See you guys in 5 weeks," Dr. Grey said as we started towards the door.

We waved good bye and headed out to our cars. Dave walked me to my car, told me he'd see me back at the house, kissed me quickly and headed to his car. I got in and started the car. I plugged my phone in to listen to my music. I hit shuffle all songs and Breed started playing. Dave wasn't with me so I could play it and enjoy it. I wasn't going straight home like Dave was. I was going to go see Frances. I jammed out to the song for a bit before pulling out and driving away. How was I gonna tell my best friend I was actually pregnant again. I decided to stop off and get her something. After I got her something, I got back in my car and drove to Frances's place. I pulled into Frances's driveway as Stop by Spice Girls started playing. I blasted it and texted Frances. "Come jam to spice girls. In the drive way." I started doing the chorus dance after I texted her. Frances came out of the house and danced the whole way to the car. She got in and we jammed out to the rest of the song.

"I thought you where working today?" Frances asked as I turned the volume down and changed it to the next song because I didn't want the sogn that started after Stop. Pony started playing so I left it.

"I was but then I had a doctors appointment. I just left there actually," I replied and reached into the back seat.

"Everything ok?" Frances asked getting worried.

"Open this and you tell me," I replied as I handed her the bag. She took it and pulled out the shirt I had bought her.

"World's Best Godmother," She read and put the shirt down. "Are you pregnant?"

"I am. 5 weeks," I replied. Frances squealed and leaned over to hug me.

"I'm so happy for you. I'm gonna spoil all three of them. Tell Dave I said congratulations. You comign in for a bit?" Frances asked as she opened the car door.

"I think I'm gonna go home and hang out with Dave like an annoying wife does," I replied with a giggle.

"I'm so happy for you. Text me later," Frances said as she got out and closed the door. We waved to each other as she walked back into the house.

I backed out of the drive way as Back & Forth started playing. I was driving home when my phone started going off. When I pulled up at a red light I quickly checked to see who called. It was Tyler. I decided to call him back later when I got home. I was almost home when Rope started playing. I was making the turn onto our street when I saw a car coming fast down the street towards me. The last thign I remembered was the car flipping over before everything went black.

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