Chapter 39 - "Our perfect day!"

Start from the beginning

N: Manik! Manik stop! *Laughing* Stop Manik please!

M: Will you still leave me for Aryaman eh?

N: Maybe!

I started to tickle her more and then finally stopped after she said...

N: I'm joking Manik... I'd never leave you! You'll always be my monkey bestfriend!

M: Good!

I was confused at first as to why she agreed so easily but then her next move clarified it all! She grabbed the pillow lying next to her and started hitting me with it!

N: Monkey two can play at this game! You love harassing me don't you... Now see what Nandini Murthy can do!

I grabbed another pillow to defend myself... It was so much! These are the crazy things us two do and I missed it all! I really did!

 It was so much! These are the crazy things us two do and I missed it all! I really did!

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Nandini's P.O.V

So Manik stayed back! And he told me everything that was in his heart! He never intended to hurt me... He was just confused! I felt so happy when he said what he feels for me is much more deeper than what he felt for Soha... This gave me hope! Maybe Manik will realise his love for him! I hope everything goes well! The atmosphere was so sad and gloomy... I had to cheer him up so I said to him I'll leave him for Aryaman as a joke! You won't believe what he did next? He started tickling me... He knows I'm ticklish! I finally gave in and said I'd never leave him for Aryaman, or anyone else for that matter! It's true... I would never let go of Manik! But then I had to take revenge! So I got my pillow and started hitting him with it. In order to defend himself he also took another pillow and started hitting me with it! I was stood on the bed and he was lying down... I didn't give him a chance to get up.... But guys have their own ways! Manik too had his way of stopping me... And let me warn you... it wasn't a very nice one!

He grabbed me from my waist and I fell on top of him. He then spinned me around and was on top of me! I was taken aback by this gesture of his but I liked it... He was close to me and I liked it!

M: Now try to free yourself Miss Murthy!

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M: Now try to free yourself Miss Murthy!

He had his ways and I had mine... And of course if he plays dirty then I ain't gonna play clean. I brought both my hands up to his face and stared in his eyes. I then cupped his face and started to bring my lips towards his. He closed his eyes and his hold on me loosened. I pecked his nose and pushed him off me! I jumped off my bed and he realised I tricked him. He started to chase me around the house but then we both stopped because I got exhausted and started coughing badly!

M: Nandini you shouldn't run around so much when you're ill! Here sit down.... I'll get you some water!

He went into the kitchen and got me a glass of water. I admired him... He's so sweet and caring! He quickly came back and made me drink the water!

N: Manik I'm not a baby... I would've drank it myself! I'm a mature teenager!

M: Mature? And you? Nandini next joke!

N: Hahahaha sooo funny! Anyways can we do something exciting... I'm bored?

M: Finding dory?

N: OMG! Yes please!

M: Okay then! I'll make the popcorn and get some snacks ready... You go and freshen up!

N: Okie dokie Monkey! 

I went into my bathroom and picked out a pair of some comfy clothes and then went to have a shower. I came out and put my hair in a messy braid! I put some moisturiser on my face and body and some lip balm and then went into the living room!

 I came out and put my hair in a messy braid! I put some moisturiser on my face and body and some lip balm and then went into the living room!

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M: When I said freshen up I didn't mean change clothes.... I don't mind you being in your pyjamas!

N: I know but I thought if I take a shower it'll make me feel a bit more fresh... That's why!

M: Ah right! Anyways snacks are ready... Shall we start the movie?

N: Yaay!

I sat on the sofa next to Manik and cuddled into him. I was cold... I'm always cold to be honest! It's worse when I'm ill!

M: Want me to get the hot water bottle for you?

N: No don't bother! Your warmth is enough!

He just smiled at me when I said that and cuddled me further. We watched the movie together... It was sooo much fun! We had our cute moments in between. Like when I took the whole popcorn bowl to myself and Manik pretended to be upset... So I stuffed his face with lots of popcorn! In order to get revenge, he got a piece of the nearly melted chocolate and smeared it on my face. But when I gave him a grumpy look he quickly wiped it. This was a perfect day... I had the love of my life next to me... I was in his arms and we spent some quality time together. I'm not the love of his life yet but maybe I soon will! I don't know but I wanted to cherish these moments. Me and my man, our perfect day!

A/N: Chapter 39 updated!!!! Specially for my readers who wanted to see some cute Manan moments. ☺️ So Manik hasn't realised his love for Nandini yet but she understands he needs time! And in all this she doesn't want to lose out on her bestfriend... So she'll wait! Hope you all enjoyed it! ❤️ Don't forget to vote and comment! 🙈☺️ Lots of love xxx

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