present time at the party....

boa hancock pov

i dont think ive ever seen someone's hands move that fast. i dont even hear him breathing or coughing. i think he might be dead. i saw his chest moving up and down. shit. better not tell mark or he will finish him. i sighed. he kinda deserved it. lets be honest. i saw doffy panicking trying to calm down mark. mark was holding nami's waist soo hard and just sobbing his eyes out. yeah. id probably beat the shit outta him if i saw that too. i looked around. people were filming it. this is definitely gonna be on the internet tomorrow. i sighed. no point in trying to stop it now. "ALRIGHT PEOPLE!! THE SHOW IS OVER!! TAKE YOUR DRUNK ASSES HOME!!" I yelled. there was a chorus of awes and people started to leave. someone had called the ambulance. crocodile was hoisted on a stretcher and rolled out to the hospital. i sighed. doffy was still naked. it was really pissing me off. not only do people have pictures, they have VIDEO of him naked. this is gonna be a lot of work to cover up. i walked up to him. he stood up. he could tell i was pissed. "now look, sis, i-" i slapped him hard across his pretty ass face. my hand print was starting to show. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?! mark is on his knees sobbing his eyes out cause of some stupid shit you and your husband pulled on him. he was soooo angry he nearly beat him to death!! and on top of all that this was all filmed!!! so not only will people all over the world see someone get beaten half to death, they will see the world's top model NAKED!!! do you know how much money we are going to lose because of this? MILLIONS!! HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS!!! why dont you think about some of the shit you do?" i slapped him again, and again, and again. shit. im starting to cry. he caught my hand and pulled me into a hug. his damn hard on poked me in the stomach. "its fine, boa. this place is dark. only thing they will see is some pictures. we can sue them for our losses," he started rubbing my head. "goddamn it!! we are gonna start getting calls about you being a porn star now," shit. i started sobbing into his firm toned chest. goddamn it if he wasn't my actual blood brother and not super gay, id have this man. im very serious. i sighed. i cant. he is my brother, super gay, and likes mark. like everyone else here. except me of course. he squeezed me tighter.


viola pov

gotta say....did not see that coming. i was waiting in the limo at the hotel for crocodile and mark to come out. i was surfing the internet and stumbled upon a video of crocodile getting his face smashed in by mark. it was HILARIOUS. i couldn't stop laughing. i had always wanted to see him get his ass beat. and it was by mark?! 100 times better. he needs to tone it down. i sighed. he had just came out in the stretcher and was hoisted into the emergency truck. they took off. we cant let him stay in the hospital for too long or they will find out he isn't susposed to exist. "follow them," i told the driver. he nodded and took off after the truck.

we got to the hospital after they had took him inside. i sighed. i paged for some henchmen to help get him out of there. im just gonna wait till they finish treating him, then we will retrieve him from his room. i sighed.

we waited for around two hours and things were finally calming down. the henchmen had arrived with the necessary equipment for the extraction. ok. i got out of the limo and we walked down to the side of the hospital. "what room is he in?" i asked. "room 302," said one of them. we put up the ladders and climbed up to the 3rd floor. i looked in the room. he was sleeping in a bed with a hospital gown on and bandages covering the top half of his head. mark fucked him up bad. he was barely able to breath on his own. i opened the window and climbed inside. i noticed his hook was still missing. two more henchmen came in with the hoisting equipment and some actual clothes. i shook him. he groaned. i shook him harder. another groan. i hit his bare leg and he snorted. he sat up. he swung but missed. "calm down sir. we are here to get you," i motioned for someone to hand him his clothes. just some underwear, a tee, and some jeans with socks and sneakers. he grunted and started getting dressed. he stood up. stumbled a little and i caught him. "broken nose, cracked skull, split lip, bruised temples, and a bunch of other shit," he grumbled under his breath in frustration. i helped him to the window and the henchmen helped him down to the ground. i helped him to the limo. we got in. "where too?" i asked. "back to the party. i need to go get my future husband," he grunted. we took off.

Worth The Wait? (Seme Male Reader x Zoro) {One Piece}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat