♡ Clubs ♡

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A fast beat of music flooded the dance hall, as Hanji Zoe of wings of freedom Corp emplpyee danced, her hair lose and messy and her dress half way up her thigh and last but not least a bottle of vodka in her left hand, she danced with Petra , Petra is another wings of freedom employee.

The lights made a wonderful hue spirals over the roof and floor, as people sang and danced. Making mistakes, a man with raven hair sat at the other end of the pub, his evil glare and his depressing aura made people avoid him, as if he was the plague.
But something caught hanji's eye that moment she glanced at the raven haired man, something urged her to talk to him, her curiosity was slowly killing her inside. She placed her bottle of vodka down on a table somewhere, dodging some people on the way over to his table,

"Hello I'm Hanji Zoe and you are?" She greeted with a small tender smile, sitting down next to him awaiting his reply, he tutted, looking down.

"Levi, Levi Ackerman..." he spoke, hanji's eyes widened,
"You mean your the Levi Ackerman!" She squeaked, Hanji meant that Levi Ackerman is her boss's astaint, levi's small slit eyed widned slightly.
"Oh it's you Hanji" he chuckled with a small smirk, he was ready to reject the drunk girl thinking she was a 'slut', the brown headed girl chuckled as well, 'wow Hanji looks good...' Levi thought as he was in awe with her look.
"Well nice seeing you Mr. Ackerman" she smiled, Hanji got up from the seats,he gulped and grabbed her hand, 'what am I doing' Levi yelled in his brain, hanji's eyes widened with his touch.
"Do- do you wanna talk for awhile?" He asked as he looked down to his feet, to see empty plastic cups with some loose change scattered along the floor.
Hanji nodded slowly and sat down, the night progressed as the two shared drink and cigarettes, laughing at each other, something triggered in Levi, a small jolt, he grabbed the top of her dress and pulled her down to his level, eye to eye. He quickly bent in and kissed her...

Morning came as Hanji woke up, feeling the bedsheets over her, she assumed she was in her bed, nice,warm and safe but...her eyes slowly fluttered open, her brown eyes glances round the room, when she realised she had wallpaper and this room was all white. Starting to panic, and realising more she wasn't in her room, she got up, grabbing whatever clothes were lying around and putting it on, walking up to the door of the room, she waited for whoever kidnapped her to get what they deserved.

Levi was about to walk back into the room when he saw a fist hurdle towards his face, before he could duck or move it slammed against his eye as Hanji screamed. Levi fell back with the shock and pain, as he saw the frightened girl with busted knuckles.

Hanji dropped to the ground and held her hand in pain,

"H-Hanji it's Levi, your bosses assistant..." He said to the girl, Levi put a hand to his eye, and slowly got up, he dashed over to the kitchen and grabbed some ice, he got some kitchen roll and stuffed the ice and kitchen roll together and settled it on his now black and blue eye.

"L-Levi!...I'm so sorry!" She yelped, running over to him and helping him.

He sighed, "yeah that's what they all say..." He chuckled lightly.

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