7. House of Dicks - Literally

Start from the beginning

"No one, thanks Raven I'll take it from here" he nodded towards to Raven and was about to pull me in but Raven grabbed my hand and pulled in to a hug.

Weird, I was about to pull away when I felt his lips on mine. It was soft and light but he kissed me, I was too shocked to do anything so I just stood there when he was suddenly was pulled off me.

I was back to reality when I saw Emery punching him in the face, the gut, the jaw.

I ran to Emery and stepped in between him as his fist was flying towards Raven's jaw again.

It all happened so fast yet everything was shown in slow motion. First his fist was getting closer to my jaw. The anger turned to surprise then to shock. It was to late though his fist already collided with my jaw. I heard the sickening snap and the pain that was sent through my jaw seeped to seep into every fiber of my body.

The last thing I saw was a tear slid down Emery's cheek then the forever abyss of blackness surrounded me.


When I woke up I felt like total shit. I look at the clock, the red numbers read 12 am, I've been passed out for 5 hours, with the way I feel, and it could have been 5 years. Every muscle is tensed from not moving for so long but my jaw is perfect, I would have thought it was broken after that punch.

"Oh thank G-d your up! I thought you would never wake up! You know how long I've been waiting!" Screamed Chris

"Uh, stop screaming, you're giving me a headache, and I didn't exactly pass out for the hell of it" I look around the room everyone is here, almost everyone; Asher, Landon, Chris, Caleb and even Raven, but no Emery.

I jumped up, that boy is so going to get it from me. I don't care about the worried looks from everyone and gasps as I run out the door. But before I make it, Raven is blocking the entryway.

"Don't, he feels like shit. Just leave him be"

"Shut the fuck up dog" I yelled then pushed past him. I didn't know where I was going, I just ran, something told me to go right, I went right, then left, I went left. By now I was on the main floor heading in down the hall. I heard someone playing on the guitar;

I'm fallin' in love

But it's falling apart

I need to find my way back to the start.

When we were in lo-

I pushed open the door to reveal Emery in the corner.

Without thinking, and without my elements, I ran up to him and started hitting him. I punched him the jaw kicked him in the balls and pretty much did every kind of physical violence I could do. I was still slapping while muttering "Idiot" and "Fucktard" and "Bastard" and a whole lot of other words.

He didn't even defend himself, didn't say anything, he just sat there and took it all. Suddenly someone's arms were wrapped around me pulling me off the guy.

"No! Let me have him! I'm not done yet! Put me down!" I was kicking who ever was holding, but he was strong.

Caleb came to hold me and Asher and Landon came to help him. I was still trying to fight them when Chris and Raven teleported him back to our room.

"That's cheating!" I yelled. I stopped trying to fight them, so they all let go and I slumped on the floor.

They started laughing but when I looked at them they all immediately stopped.

I got up and walked back to the room. When I got inside, Raven and Chris sat there looking at me to see if I'm going to do anything drastic. I didn't look at them; I just grabbed a towel and a clean PJ's. I took a quick shower rinsing everything off. When I was finished I went to the kitchen and heated up pizza. I ate it and went back to my room. I walked out still not making eye contact with anyone, grabbed the Smirnoff Ice off the counter and went back to my room.

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