55. Introducing Mr. And Mrs. Dave Grohl

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"Thank you Carrie. Now up next we have Dave's best friend and band mate Taylor Hawkins who has become best friends with the bride as well. Please give the Hawk a big round of applause," Hunter said and stepped aside so Taylor could stand there.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. I've known Dave for years. He's my brother, best friend and like my identical twin almost, I'm better looking though. Dave and I have always had our ups and downs but we've always gotten through it. When I first met Brittany, she was sitting int he front seat of Dave's van with Hunter in the backseat. Hunter and I unintentionally called her bitch. Anyway that's beside the point. That night was also the first night Dave met her and I noticed that all night Dave couldn't stop looking at her. If she left the room, he would look around the room for her or he would go off to find her. He kissed her that night and she freaked and came to me to talk. She trusted me enough to talk to me and I knew she was gonna be my new bestest friend in the whole world. I've gotten to know her over the past two years and Britt, you're just amazing. You treat my boy the way you have been and you will be happy for the rest of your life. I love you both. Thanks everyone," Taylor said as people started clapping. He walked back up to table and him and Dave hugged. Taylor and I hugged as Tyler went back up to the mic.

"Thanks Taylor. Now I'd like to introduce the next man even though he needs no introduction. I also had to fight Hunter tooth and nail to introduce him. Please give a huge round of applause for Mr. Krist Novoselic," Tyler said as Krist stood up and walked to the mic. I let out a small woo as Krist got up to the mic.

"Thanks everyone. I've known Dave since he was 21. I've known Britt since she was 27. I'm gonna pull on everyone's heart strings a bit but first I just want to say that I'm happy for the two of you. You guys have such a incredible bond and connection. It's rare to find one like yours. You guys get each other without trying. Taylor and I where talking and he said you guys just fit together like two pieces of a puzzle and he's right. Britt I know you didn't know him but I feel like Kurt would have liked you. Dave talked to me about him and you one night and we think he really would have liked you. You knwo him a differeny way then us and you've said we changed your life and I'm grateful for that. I'm happy to say you are my friend and I wish you both many years of happiness," Krist said. Everyone started clapping as he walked back to the table. Dave and I both hugged him before he sat back down.

"Only Krist could make everyone tear up like that including me. Now please give it up for Britt's awesome best friend. The beautiful Frances Cobain," Hunter said as Frances walked over to the mic.

"Thank you. I met Brittany by accidentally walking into her and dumping her coffee on her on the day she started her fittings for Father of the Bride 3. I felt terrible and bought her another one. We exchanged numbers and hung out at lunch and later that night when she met the guys that would become her bandmates. She's been there for me through my divorce and a recent break up and get back together with my mom. I've also been there for her through her loss of two friends, a break up and the birth of my god children Kurt and Meredith. You two made beautiful and handsome babies. Dave you made her blossom and you've given her the ability to spread her wings and fly. Brittany you're like the sister I've never had and I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for being there for me and I'll always be here for you. You're the Quinn to my Daria but you are also my Jane. My mom also wanted me to tell you that she's proud of you and loves you as well. Thanks guys," Frances said as everyone started clapping and she came back to the table. Dave stood up to hug her and she hugged him. Once Dave sat down I stood up and hugged her.

"Ok everyone. It's that time that we ask the bride to come up and say something. It's best we ask her to go first because I know Dave's gonna make her cry. Please give it up for Mrs. Brittany Grohl," Tyler said as I stood up and walked over tot he mic.

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