Damn, I forgot not to mention my last name.

Lucy curse herself mentally.


"The one with the big company and huge house??" Now Natsu looked excited to know more about her.

"Umm...yeah," But Lucy was getting awkward because she usually tries to make friends with out knowing her social status.

"And they say you have like 6 really expensive brands of cars right??" He could already imagine them all being lined up before him.


"Wow, that must be a pretty amazing life you have." Natsu walked over to a bench and took a seat; Lucy doing the same.

"I guess so." Was all She could answer.

"So what's it like?" Natsu asked as he turned to look at her with pure curiosity.

"What's what like?"

"Having maids, a huge house, probably a pool the size of a basketball court. You know, the good life." Lucy sighed catching him off guard; he was expecting a more happier response.

"I wouldn't call it 'the good life's really." She looked down to her hands that were now holding each other.

"Why? You practically have everything any person would want." He tilting his head in question.

"Well, everything comes with a price ya know." Natsu noticed how Lucy's attitude changed from that up beat girl to being well....kinda depressed actually.

"H-Hey, I didn't mean to-" Natsu was reaching out for her hand but before he could, someone barged in through the doors, making the loud music blast through.

"Oh! Sorry bro I didn't mean to.. Well hello there little miss." The man with orange hair closed the door behind him and walked towards Lucy.

He took her hand and brought it up to his lips and planted a small kiss on it. "I'm guessing your name is just as beautiful as you?"

Lucy giggled, not because she was falling for what he told her, but because it was so cheesy.

"Ahem." Natsu tried to get his friends attention.

"Oh right, sorry I interrupted, are you two...?" He looked at Natsu then Lucy several times. Lucy was the first to understand.

"Oh! No no no, we just met today." She clarified.

"Oh then would you mind if I took her inside to dance for a while?" Unknowingly, Natsu's fists tightened. He was about to decline but Lucy spoke first.

"I'm fine with that. What about you Natsu?" Lucy was a bit grateful that guy came in when he did because she wanted an excuse to change the subject.

"Yeah. Go on ahead Loke." Was all he could say.

"Alright then. Ma lady?" He reached out for her hand witch Lucy gladly took.

Lucy entered the noisy house again. Loke guided her to the middle of the dance floor.

"So um.." Loke said trying to think of a conversation topic.

"Lucy!" She shouted over the music.

"Right! So what are you doing here?! I've never seen you in our school, are you new?!" He asked.

"No! I'm just...from a different school is all!"

"Alright! Well then why don't I show you how us Faiy Tail high students do things around here.."

The last part Lucy could barely hear what he had said but she noticed something was gonna go wrong when Loke stood behind her and held her close to him as they danced.

"Umm, I don't think-" That's when he snaked his arms around her wait and was slowly sliding down until

"Oi Loke!" The pink haired boy shouted catching his attention. He walked over to him quickly and snatched Lucy's hand, pulling her to his side .

"Don't you think your getting a little too comfortable?!" Natsu said through gritted teeth.

"Aw come on~! We were just having a little fun, right Lucy?!" He shouted over he loud music.

Lucy just moved behind Natsu in a form of protection.

Human shield to be exact.

On the other hand, Natsu thought it was pretty adorable.

"I think we'll be leaving now!" And before Loke could even protest. The duo walked out of the house and to the backyard, far away from the booming music and crowding people.

"Thanks for helping me out...again." Began Lucy.

"No problem.."

"...You can let go of my hand now."

"O-Oh! Right...sorry." There was a small moment of silence as they watched the star filled sky.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I was acting like a total dick head for asking you so many questions before." Lucy giggled at his form of apologizing. Natsu's ear perked hearing her laugh. He thought it fit her personality well.

"It's alight. I guess you can say I'm kinda used to it."

"Why don't we start over?" Asked Natsu. Lucy raised her eyebrows in a bit of shock but then softened her expressions into a small smile.

"I'd really like that." She turned to look at him and held out her hand towards him. "I'm Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia."

"Nice meeting you Luce," He took her hand in his and shook it.

"I'm Natsu, Natsu Dragneel. And let me just say you are totally my type." He added the last part with a wink making Lucy blush a thousand shades of pink. "To fast? Um......do-over?" He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Lucy burst out laughing and held her stomach.

"Sorry but there are no do-overs." She moved her hand so that their fingers were now intertwined. "I like this beginning." Now it was Natsu's turn to blush. He gave her his signature smile and pulled her in for a hug.

"So do I."


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