Surprise, surprise

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~No One's POV~

"We're back!" Announced Natsu as he and Happy bursted through the guild doors.

"Welcome back you two!" Greeted Mirajane from the bar table.

"How'd it go?" Asked the celestial mage.

"It was awesome! All we had to do was capture a bad guy." Natsu beamed.

"Yeah! We got him good!" Added Happy while punching the air for effect.

"That's good." Lisanna joined the conversation with a smile. "Oh, and that reminds me." She turns to look at Lucy with excitement. "How are you going to celebrate today??"

"What? Oh, Maybe just reading a good book with a cup of coffee at my apartment." Lucy answered.

"Celebrate what?" Asked Natsu intrigued by they're conversation.

"Come on flame brain, you guys have been dating for 3 years now and you still don't remember?" Asked Gray.

"What'd you call me?!"

"I called you a flame headed idiot who can remember that today is-"

"No. Natsu should find this out on his own." Added Erza.

"But I-" Natsu began but was cut off.

"Hey, guys. I'm going to head home for today." Lucy interrupted by standing up from the bar stool and heading towards the door.

"Wait up, I'll go with you." Called Natsu starting to follow her.

"No." She answered a little quicker then intended. "I mean, I'm just going to read or something. You'll just get bored.." And she left before Natsu could insist on going.

"Poor Lucy." Said Mira while drying a glass cup.

"I'll go see if she's ok." Offered Erza heading for the door. "Lucy! Wait up!" She called after the celestial mage. Lucy ignored her and kept walking. Erza quickly caught up and walked with her. "Are you okay?" She asked. Lucy had her eyes shadowed by her hair when she responded.

"How could he forget?" She started, not paying attention to her question.

"You know how Natsu is. He'll probably remember any moment now and come running to you." Erza tried to make her feel better.

"That's not the point. He always forgets and I have to end up telling him."

"Yeah but-" Erza reached out to place her hand on Lucy's shoulder but Lucy interrupted her by slapping away her hand.

"No!" Erza was shocked by her sudden out burst. Somebody hitting the great Titania? Who wouldn't be surprised? "It's been three years Erza. Usually I don't mind things like this. But this time...this time it really hurt because it reminded me of how my father would also forget my birthday. He would forget because he didn't care about me and it makes me think that all this time that we've been together meant nothing!" Tears were now falling from her eyes.


"Just leave me alone." With that as her final words, she turned on her heal and walked home.

Damn it Natsu, now you've really done it. Erza thought. She let out a big sigh and walked back to the guild.

"What happened??" Asked Natsu as Erza entered the guild. He was still confused from the situation.

"You've really done it now Natsu." She repeated her thought.

"Come on ash-for-brains, your 21, think a little." Said Gray leaning back on his chair.

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