Life Without You (Rose)

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Roses POV
I walked along a abandoned junk yard and looked up at the cloudy sky.

I sat down near a junky car and ran my fingers through my long blackish-brown hair. I looked at a old sign.

It read, "Free Cars" I always did useless boring thugs nowadays.

I didn't worry about CP anymore. It seemed like they forgot about me.

I was now 16 and I ate raw bird meat most of the time.

The sun never was shown in the woods anymore. It's like I was a bad luck charm or something.

I've almost gone back to the CP when it was raining but I stopped myself.

They are cruel ugly monsters that want nothing but blood.

I stood up and climbed a tree. I leaped from branch to branch and I arrived at the town border.

Everything stayed the same except a couple new buildings.

I've seen tow trucks and cranes go close to the woods. Hopefully they won't cut them down.

The wood border is like a cage for the CP. They can only come out every once a year.

But, there hasn't any attacks.

Only a couple of town murders.

I sat on a branch and sighed.

The sun shone bright over the town and wasn't even cloudy.

I took out my knife. I carved in to the trees.

I know Ethan will come looking for me soon. It has been 4 years. So I left him a note.

Ethan, don't come in the woods. And don't try. I can't save you again and you can't come looking for me. I am safe so don't worry. I know you want to see me but I can't come out of the woods because I am still a creepypasta.

I left and clenched my dagger.

I have a feeling that somethings big is going to happen soon.

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