Broken Smiles

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Roses POV
I was already at the dining table when everyone came down to eat. Slender, BEN, Jane, Sally, Jeff, Masky, Hoodie, and more sat down as the room became louder and louder. Food came out as soon as everybody was seated.

This was my first meal in days, for I was busy taking care of Ethan's ass. I wasn't necessarily hungry, I just needed an excuse to talk to Jeff.

A hot plate of cooked venison and corn was placed in front of me as Jeff sat down next to me. He instantly ripped apart the piece of meat with his teeth and gobbled it down like a cannibal.

"Jeff." I poked him with my butter knife.

He glared at me and continued eating. He wiped his hands on his pants before mumbling to me. "What."

"What's suicide and why do people cut themselves?"

Jeff stared at me for a moment then laughed. He slammed his hands down on the table while snorting.

"You stupid kid," he giggled, "Suicide is killing yourself. Everybody here has been through with it. I'm surprised you haven't done it yourself because you live with a bunch of 'monsters.' And people cut because they hate themselves, and feel worthless. Thought you knew that Rose."

I punched Jeff in the face as I stood up from the table. I could feel anger explode out of my mind while I held myself back from hitting him again.

"What the hell!" Jeff shouted, jumping up from his chair and coming close to me, "WHY DID YOU PUNCH ME YOU BITCH?!"

"Dumbass I punched you because you take that so lightly! Everyone here has become a monster because of that and have been scarred by that! How could you take the problem that caused you to become this so carelessly?!"

He glared at me with his wide smile and I could see the rage boiling in his eyes. I didn't care or give a shit at all about his rubbish, because suicide was what apparently surrounded me as a abandoned child. All that hate, uselessness, pain, anxiety...was that all just waste of feelings for Jeff?!

"Well that was fucking forty years ago! We can't just be stuck in the past forever you stupid!" Jeff screamed, everybody staring.

I punched him on the face again, not regretting a single thing.

"But a past will never go away! The suicide and all that shit is still there and painful, and for you to ignore it is just fucked up." I spat. 

Everybody went dead silent as I slammed the butterknife into the table, leaving shortly afterwards.

I was still angry as hell, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to forgive Jeff in a long time. The only thing that that would be able to make me forgive him was if I was being held under water and being tortured.

I ran to my room and quietly closed the door. Normally I would've slammed it but I was planning to go out for some time to try to cool off. I was already tired of Jeff's horrid face and attitude.

I took out my almost broken black backpack and stuffed it to the brim with extra clothes, a knife, my mask, and my set of rusty throwing knives. I zipped it up swiftly and pulled on my hood. Then I opened my window and stood on its sill.

Tonight and for the next couple of days Ethan would be staying with a little visitor.


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