Chapter 22: Games

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"K-Katie...?" I whispered, tears threatening to come out. "Why...?"

Katie walked over to me, her eyes dancing playfully. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said as she held my cheek. "But Katie doesn't exist anymore. But I'll let you call me that."

Slowly, the Katie I once knew and loved disappeared before me and turned into a girl with purple hair and eyes. She smirked.

"When we figured out that you were the key, one of us had to get close to you somehow. So I decided to possess her. Of course, she let me willingly after I told her that she and her loved ones wouldn't get hurt. But she is slowly faded since I use her body so so so much." She leaned in until she was only inches away from my face, her cold breath against my cheek. "So, what do you think? Am I a good kisser?"

Anger flashed in my eyes as this new Katie walked away and towards the stage.

"Bring out the hostages," Lucy said as four bodies connected my chains were brought out. I recon used them instantly.

Callie, Jess, my dad, and...Meery.

Katie giggled and stomped her feet excitedly. "This is a new game that I want to play!" She said.

"What kind of sick game is this you bitch!" Ben yelled but was instantly silenced by Lucy, who used her magic to make his mouth shut.

"I'll explain the rules," Katie said, ignoring Bens last remark. "In order for us demons to make a contract with Seth, we need to put a mark on him. I had already done mine when I kissed him, but the others..."

I looked at my wrist to see two marks. I knew the green one was from Genesis but the purple one...I had no idea.

"When everyone does put their mark, then we'll play the game. It's simple. For each demon Seth doesn't accept, one of these people will die.

I stared in horror as Lucy came up to me with a dagger in her hand. "Blood mixture," she muttered to herself as she stabbed her hand. She didn't even flinch.

My eyes widened as she took my left hand and raised her knife. She then plunged into my hand until the tip came out the other side. I screamed in pain.

Lucy left it in there for a few seconds before winking at me. "When are souls combined, I want to make you the king of the underworld."

I tried to speak, but I was in too much pain.

"Hurts, right? The blood of a demon is very toxic. Which is probably why Katie decided to do a magic mixture when she kissed you. But don't worry, we can do that some other time." She said, making me glare at her.

She then, without warning, slid the knife out of my hand and licked it. "Can't wait," she said before backing off. I gasped from the pain, tears streaking down my face as I looked down to she the my hand actually got steam from it.

Z came next. She looked at me with a bored expression before taking out a syringe filled with a black liquid. "Don't get any ideas, dog, I don't love you. I am only interested in the experiments that I will do." She said.

I shook my head. "Please don't..." I had no idea what it was, but it looked bad.

Z looked at the liquid. "Oh, this? This is just my experiment. Has a lot of stuff in it. My hair, blood, spit, magic... If you thought that blood hurt, just you wait." She said before grabbing my left hand. "The mixture happens quicker when it close to where the marks are."

Z then put the needle into my wrist and into a vein. She looked at me with a smirk before pushing the button, forcing the liquid to go into my blood stream, and boy did it hurt.

I screamed again as tears ran down my face. I could only do nothing as I watched my friends and family's faces as I got tortured.

Katie and the other demons where smiling and acting like it wasn't a bad thing.

I hated them.

The audience looked horrified but where too scared to say anything about it. I don't blame them, though.

Callie gave me a longing look but didn't say anything. Jess was crying for me as I continued screaming. She couldn't take it.

My dad... He didn't den know about any of this. He's just looking at me with a horrified expression. And I knew why.

The was making my powers activate but I couldn't use them. What else was in that liquid?

Ben, who was still shut up, was looking at me with a sad expression. The one that told me that he blamed himself, but I didn't.

Meery was practically sobbing. I looked over at her and tried giving her a small smile, but I didn't think it would look that happy.

Once z was down, Elle came over and gave me a big grin. "Don't worry, Seth. I won't use my blood." She grabbed my wrist that was already black from anything and bit into it, showing her fangs that were sharper than knives. I gasped and screamed. It was as worse as the last one. Venom.

After she let go, my entire left hand and forearm was pumping with black veins. Five different coloured marks appeared as a half diamond. Purple, light green, red, like green, and pink.

"Now Seth," Lucy said as the demons took out their weapons and held it at all the hostages. "Accept us."

"I-I don't know how!" I cried, trying to activate some sort of puzzle.

"Well you better in the next three seconds," Katie replied, her axe only inches from Meery's throat.


I was trying everything. Teleporting, floating, something! I was trying so hard to figure out how to do it.


Genesis said something about shaking hands, but why aren't they? Do they not know. Sweating, I did the last thing I could think of.


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