Chapter 14: Figures

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After a few moments of silence, Ben crossed his arms.  "So, are we going to stand here all night or are we gonna go check it out?" He growled.

Katie nodded.  "Yea, come on guys.  Stop being such babies."

I frowned but agreed anyways, but who wouldn't be scared.  The electricity was out so the only thing that it could be would be either a candle or something battery operated.  Both things would require someone being there recently.

I took out my camera and decided to film anything that could be of use to us.

We all started walking towards the warehouse and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Well, since it's locked, I guess it means that we have to leave..." Juliann said but stopped when Ben took out a hair clip and picked the lock.  It only took him around fifteen seconds before the lock came undone.

"Whoa..."  I said.  "When did you learn that?" 

Ben sighed.  "A long time ago, but those days are over.  Now, let's not waste anymore time and let's go." 

He swung the door open to show a gigantic room filled with boxes that create this maze like pattern.  It was impossible to see the other side. I jumped when I heard a loud screech coming throughout the entire building.

Ben began running down one of the paths created by the box before the rest of us began to chase him into the darkness. I wish I had known, but when the figure hidden in the shadows knew we were gone, it locked the front door from the outside, making sure that the route was sealed.


After chasing Ben down several hallways, we were met with the middle of the maze, which was a small area with all different kinds of tv lined up and stacked on top of each other.  Each screen was either off or static, which didn't make sense since there were no outlets or cords anywhere.  In the middle of the room made Juliann scream.

There was a figure standing in the center of the room.  He was wearing a black hoodie so I couldn't tell the gender or anything about his or her appearance.  The figure was holding a long axe in one hand and a small pistol in the other.  It heard Juliann's scream and, without even turning its body, looked behind at us.  The static showed that the figure was wearing a mask that completely covered the lower half of its face.  The upper part of their face, however was also covered by the black hoodie that they wore.  I made sure to film as much as I could of the figure

Juliann continued screaming like a mad woman as the figure turned around.  It used its pistol and aimed it at her. 


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