Chapter 10: Level Three

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After a few hours the headache finally cleared away so I headed outside and into the farm. I saw Ben working near the peppers and waved him over. He set down his basket before heading over.

"What do you want, idiot? I was working." Before I could answer, though, he sighed. "Well, whatever. I needed to tell you something anyways."

I tilted my head slightly.  "What?"

"Well, I was investigating ghost and figured out that they could go into the afterlife for a few minutes at a time. So I figured, why not you go in and ask melody who killed her?"

I nodded. "Okay, but how do I do it?"

"Well, we can't do it where people can see. So follow me, ok?" Ben said before running off towards the woods.

I groaned. "Why won't he let me finish my sentence?" I asked before following him.


After a few more minutes of running, we arrived at a shed.

"This is where I sleep," Ben said as he opened the front door. "Make yourself comfortable."

I stepped in to find myself in a small room with one mattress and a opened suitcase that had clothes in it.

"Nice place," I said sarcastically.

Ben frowned. "Shut up," he snapped before pointing to the mattress. "Now you lay there."

I complied with a slight hesitation.

"Ok," Ben said as he sat down next to me. "Now, when you get in, the only that will keep you from not leaving your body is your life line, so make sure no spirits cut it, ok?"

I nodded, though I had no idea what he meant.

"Good, then we are ready to begin. Close your eyes, activate your powers, then open them."

I frowned but closed my eyes anyways. I built up the warm feeling in my chest before opening my eyes again, letting myself see the world before me.

"Whoa," Ben said as he stared into my red eyes. "That's pretty cool. But now you should do it again so your on level 3 of your powers."

"Level 3?"

"Yea, each ghost and demon has 5 levels of power, though none could make it that far. My Advice is to never try level four." Ben said. "Now enough chatting and do as I say."

"Fine," I grumbled before closing my eyes again. This time the warm feeling shriveled up and became cold, then nothing. I felt like a cloud, or nothing at all. After a moment, I opened my eyes.

"Wow, ok, now disconnect from your body," Ben said.

I nodded and let only my soul sit up from my body, making it lifeless as I jumped out and floated away, doing a slow flip as I looked down.

"Now let me do the rest!" Ben yelled before taking out a piece of paper and chanting in what seemed to be...German? After he said a few word he threw the paper on the floor and it opened up into a large void.

"Now go in and be quick!" Ben gasped as the wind around the portal tried to blow him away.

"Ok!" I yelled back before diving head first into the unknown.

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