Chapter 8: hide and seek

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After me and Ben made the deal, he said he had to go so we went our separate ways. I went back to the farm to where Jess and Callie were waiting.

"What took you so long?" They both asked.  That made Jess glare.

"Oh nothing, I just got a little lost, that's all." I lied, making sure that Ben's cover wasn't blown.

Callie snickered while Jess rolled her eyes.

"Aw, were you scared?" Callie teased.

"No," I replied as I looked up at the Crimson sky.  "We should go into the house, it's getting late."  I didn't want to stay out when this amount of paranormal phenomena near.  Night is when they all came out.

Jess nodded.  "Yea, that's a good idea, we don't want to be attacked-". She was cut off by Callie.  "Why, are you afraid of the dark?"

I frowned.  "No, it's just kidding dark."

Callie smirked.  "Okay, let's go then."  She said before she began to lead us inside.


Once we got inside, everyone else was waiting in dark uniform.

"W-what's going on?" I asked, startled.

Katie smiled.  "I decided that we are going to play hide and seek tonight in the woods.  You're coming, right?"

I nodded, not wanting to look like a baby in front of my crush, and swallowed.  This wasn't good.

"Alright, why don't you take your camera too?  You might get some good shots for the movie."

"Yea, okay," I said before taking out my camera and turning it on.

"Alright.  I'll be it first." Said Katie as everyone started heading outside.  "You can go anywhere on the island as I count to one hundred.  Ready?  Go!"  She closed her eyes and everyone booked it until I was alone.  I swallowed before running of to the woods.  I jumped over dead logs and ducked under branches.  I held up my camera as I recorded myself running and acting like someone was chasing me.

After a few minutes, I stopped and decided hide in a ditch.  Making sure I was covered by the shadows, I watched and listened to any noise.  None.

Sighing, I leaned back on the dirt and closed my eyes when I heard a crunch.  Then suddenly I felt someone tackle me to the ground.  I gasped and tried to scream when I felt a hand cover it.

"Shut up, idiot!  Do you want to get caught?!" A voice hissed at me.  I knew that voice.


After a few moments, Ben got off of me and shuffled over to the side, looking left and right like he was watching out for something.

"God damnit, Ben," I whispered.  "Why do you always have to sneak up on me?"

Ben smirked.  "Because I want to be as dramatic as possible," he said.  "Now, shut up."

"Why?" I asked.  Last time I checked, he wasn't playing hide and seek with us.

"Because," Ben hissed.  "I think I found the person who is responsible for all of this."

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