Chapter 1: The Ghost(?) Boy

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(Hi guys! Cookieghost here! Welcome to my knew story, Sear! The picture here is what Seth looks like. I don't own any of these pictures.)

All I had wished was a normal life.

I wanted to go to school, get a hot girlfriend, get a job, get married, have kids...

"Hey Seth!"

Yes, that was all that he wanted, all I ever needed.


Ignore it.


"What?!" I finally snapped with a glare. The person in front of me smirked.

"Finally. I here I was thinking you've gone deaf."  In front of me was my acquaintance, max. I'm not saying friend because I'm super pissed at him at the moment.

I leaned my head on my wrist as I set my arm on the small table that was in the center of my room. I sent daggers at Max with my eyes.

"Where is my camera, Max?" I growled angrily.

Max shrugged. "How should I know? You always have it on you so maybe you miss placed it." He said with a huge smirk plastered on his face that made him look like a psychopath.

"Don't make me..." I grabbed the taser from my backpack and held in front of me, making sure that he could see my finger on the button.

"Okay, okay, okay," Max said before going over to the bookshelf and taking a small handheld camera from behind it.

Max then threw it at me and I caught it with no hesitation. "Alright. Thank you." I replied thankfully as I inspected it to make sure that he didn't break it. It used to be my mother's, but...

Max grinned as I jerked my head over to the clock. Midnight. I groaned. Since I was so bothered by my camera missing I didn't get any time to study!

"Alright, it's time for you to go. I'm going to bed." I said as I made my way over to my bed.

Max nodded. "Alright, see you tomorrow." He said before going into the wall.

Oh, did I mention that Max was a ghost?


It was dark, too dark to even see my own hand.  I could feel the air make the hairs on my neck stand up on end. It was like my whole body was paralysed as I floated in this hell-like abyss.

Suddenly, I felt a cold hand grab my chin and a sweet, whispery voice said, "Don't worry, I'll find you soon enough."

Then the darkness turned red.


I woke up with a gasp as I breathed for air. It was dark and I couldn't breath! I looked around frantically to find that i was in my room by myself...well...almost by myself.

Meery looked up sleepily from the end of my bed and rubbed her eyes. Her brown fell over her face as she looked at me with a dazed expression.

"Good morning, bro," she said with a yawn. She stretched her arms out before smiling slightly.

I smiled. This was my younger sister that had died a few months ago and was now a ghost. I was lucky enough to I was reincarnated by the murderer. Meery, however, did not.

"Morning, Meery," I replied as I went over to my bathroom to take a shower. Yup, while my parents were away on vacation two months ago, someone broke into my house and killed Meery and I. But, for whatever reason, the killer had reincarnated me against my will and turned me into a half ghost. I can see and touch ghost, levitate objects, and my soul can leave my moment for extended amounts of time. It's useful, but kind of scary.

After I took a shower and got changed, I went back into my room and packed my school stuff together and shoved it into my green backpack. Meery and Max were playing a board game together as I was about to leave.

"Bye, bro!" Meery said as she ran over and hugged me. Max smirked.

"Don't forget your camera!" He said in a mocking tone as he waved it in the air. I sent daggers before he tossed it at me.

After I put my camera in with the rest of my stuff, I frowned at him and said my goodbyes before leaving my room. I was running down the hall when I stopped in front of my parents room and knocked on the door.

"Dad?" I whispered. "Mom...?"

No answer.

My eyes dropped to the floor before I continued my way to the kitchen. My mom had just committed suicide last week because of the death of her daughter and my dad was probably out drinking since he wasn't in his room, where he spends most of his time in. I tried to keep my positive attitude around my sister, but I was really hurt inside.

I went into the kitchen and yelped when I saw the time. 7:28am. My ride was going to be here in two minutes!

After grabbing a quick breakfast, a apple and a piece of bread, I ran out the front door and down the driveway. I couldn't be late for the bus again!

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