Chapter 11: The Sad Angel

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Once I jumped in, I felt a jolt of electricity coursing throughout my body, sending shivers down my spine. I opened my eyes and gasped at the scenery.

It was like space, though all sorts of life forms and floating structures filled the emptiness. The spirits came in all sorts of shapes and sizes, from a cat to a dragon form, they had it all besides human. The buildings looked broken and worn down as pieces were scattered all over the place. It truly was a breathtaking sight.

I looked behind me and saw that I had this glowing cord connected to my back. So this is my life line, huh? I thought to myself before continuing.

Surprisingly, I had no trouble making my way around the broken city but I found myself troubled because, the farther I went out, the thinner my life line became.

I stopped when it became incredibly thing and gulped. Ben had mentioned something about entities coming to break it, but I didn't see any so far.

And just like that, I jinxed myself when I saw this giant...thing...coming for it. It was green and looked to be made out of slime, with a large mouth, sharp yellow teeth, no eyes, and small arms and legs that looked similar to a frogs.

I yelled, though it couldn't be heard, and jumped for it, but suddenly there was this big flash of white light and the spirit disappeared.

I looked over to see a teen girl near my life line. She had long white hair and light grey eyes that held a sad expression. She wore a white dress and no shoes or socks. Once we made eye contact she gave me a sad smile before tossing a balled up piece of paper at me.

I reached out and grabbed it. It was soft, unlike real paper, and thick too. I smoothed it out and found myself looking at a map of the island. There was one part of it that had a circle over it that showed a building. Maybe a shed or something. No, it looked to big. Almost as big as the main house.

I looked up from the paper to thank the girl, but when I did, she was already gone. It almost felt like she never appeared in the first place.


After that scene, I followed my life line back to the portal and jumped into it. A second later a tumbled out into the shed and onto the wooden floor.

I went back into my body and returned back to my normal state. It took a second to calm down as my breaths were all ragged and distorted.

Ben looked up from the book that he was reading. "Did you find anything?" He asked.

I nodded and held out the map, though, that wasn't what it was anymore. Instead it was now a white feather.

"Wh-what? It was just a map..." My voice trailed off.

Ben sighed. "Well, did you at least looked at it?"

"Oh, yea... It had this large building circled on it, though I never been there before," I replied.

Frowning, Ben scratched his chin. "Well then I guessed that's the warehouse then."


"Yea, it's where we keep all of the things that we use in the future, you know?" Ben said. "We'll head there tomorrow after my work, but for now you should get going to the main house. I bet there all worried about you."

I looked up out the window and saw that it was pitch black out.

"Damn! How long was I out for?" I asked.

Ben shrugged. "I don't know, about five hours, I guess?"

Jumping up, I was about to head out when I heard Ben ask, "By the way, how did you find the map anyways?"

I looked at the feather that was in my hand. "A sad Angel gave it to me," was all that I said before I opened the door and walked out into the darkness.

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