Theodore thinks he's slick giving me these broke boy ass hours like I'm just some random nigga off the streets. I'm his cousin, his family, and he should treat me with more respect. He should've gave me some better hours, hell, even a better corner to stand on. He even could've even given me a job in the trap house or something else light. But he just wanted to go abusing the little bit of power he has and now I'm going to take all of that from him. After all my Dad did for him, he's going to fuck me over like I don't mean shit, like I'm not family. He's got another thing coming for him if he thinks fucking me over is going to be the move.

Lindsey and Isaiah both looked up at me as I entered the kitchen. "What's up? You got what I need?" Isaiah asked as he continued to look at something on his computer that had him and Lindsey really engaged.

"Yeah, it's all right here." I pulled the money out of my pocket and watched as Isaiah perked up a bit once he saw I actually had the money. Theodore fucked me over with the hours because I wasn't able to sell much but I have other means of getting this product off of me. I learned that selling in school is the best option since niggas always wanna get high before school, at lunch and after school so I always have good business. "It's all here. It's $600."

Isaiah took the money out of my hands and thumbed over the crumpled up bills before stuffing it into his pocket. "A'ight, I got it and if it's even a penny short, I'm calling you back to sort this shit out."

I nodded my head. "I understand. I'll see y'all later so I can re-up." I turned to walk out of the kitchen but Lindsey stopped me and grabbed a hold of my arm. "What's up?"

"Before you leave, we need you to sign off on this sheet to say that you delivered the money to us. You know Theodore doesn't play when it comes to the money." She stuck a notebook in my face that had names written on it. Beside the names were the person's signature, how much money they bought to Isaiah and then Isaiah's stamp of approval to show if they really bought the right amount of money.

I smacked my lips. "Seriously?"

Lindsey nodded her head. "Yes, seriously. Just make it easier on all of us and sign it. It's no big deal."

I took a deep breath before taking the notebook out of her hand. I walked over to the island Lindsey and Isaiah were standing at and filled out my information on the sheet. "Y'all sure I'm not signing my name off to the devil or something?" I laughed, making them laugh too.

"You already signed your name off to the devil when you went into business with my brother," Isaiah commented, keeping a close eye on me. "You know how anal Theodore is with his money and you know he doesn't like shit out of place. I'm just tryna keep the peace with him since his birthday is coming up."

I smirked. "Oh, right. I forgot about that. What'chall planning for him?"

Isaiah frowned, folding his arms across his chest. "Why you wanna know so badly?"

I chuckled. "I was just wondering, that's all. He doesn't really talk to me much anymore and I'm not feeling what happened between us. I tried making amends with him once before but he don't wanna hear anything I got to say. So I was just wondering what y'all were doing for him since he's turning 18 and all. I know y'all doing something big."

"Actually," Isaiah sighed. "He's burned so many bridges with all of his old friends and shit so we just decided on taking him out to my club. I know it's nothing too special since he's been before but he's turning 18 so it's kinda different. We'll have food, cake and shit, girls and that little Jazmine chick since that's his only friend. We gotta bring it up to her though but I'm sure she'll be down to come."

I smirked. Maybe we won't have to wait until Prom to get our plan going. Jaz might as well admit to Theodore how she's feeling about him, get some birthday sex from him since he'll be in a good mood and just enjoy the day with him. But me, on the other hand, I have other plans for him and I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to wait all the way until Prom to execute them. So maybe crashing his birthday party is what I'm gonna have to do.

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora