Chapter 9: Finding my Magic Animal Friend

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Sirius' P.O.V.
I smiled as Elodea giggled. We had been spending more time together and we had decided to tell our friends, despite how much fun it was sneaking around! "We don't have to tell them you know!" I told her as I kissed her soft lips and ran my thumb over her cheek where Emma had slapt her. I still couldn't believe that my Father had wanted me to marry that crazy bitch! I was rather nervous about telling my friends that we were dating only, because word spread rather quickly in this school and I didn't want to think about what Emma would do if she ever found out! I didn't realise that my smile was disappearing as I thought of the words that my ex had scarred into her arm.

"I know we don't have to but I want to, besides Lily, Marlene, Mary and Alice have been wanting to set me up with some guys for a while now! I do not want to be dragged to those dates!" Elodea whined giggling.

I chuckled at her whining voice. She was just adorable in every way. "Alright! I won't let you suffer!" I smirked as my other hand traced her scars subconsciously. How could Emma hurt her!?

"I'm okay Sirius! It wasn't your fault!" Elodea told me as she placed her delicate hand over mine. It had been a day or so since my crazy exgirlfriend attacked her. "Besides, why don't you want to tell anyone?"

I sighed. I hoped she didn't think I was ashamed of her! "Because my sweet Pondweed, a) I enjoy sneaking around..." I smirked, playfully tapping her nose. "And b) I don't want anything to happen to you El! If my Father ever found out that his disappointment of a son is dating a Muggle-born witch! I don't want to think what he would do to you!" I felt my arms tighten around her as if my Father would magically appear out of nowhere and kill her in front of me!

"Aw Sirius! Nothing is going to happen to me!" She tried to reassure me as she lovingly stroked my face.

I smiled sadly as I pulled her closer to me. "You have no idea what Orion Black is capable of!" I told her sadly. I was afraid of him. Not for myself, but for my sister and little brother and my friends. I knew he would hurt them to get to me... he does it to Zentheya all the time!

"Well don't think about him...just focus on us, I'm safe here with you!" Elodea's gentle voice whispered as she brushed some of my hair behind my ears, where I was rather ticklish.

I couldn't help flinching and laughing. "I love you so much Pondweed!" I told her kissing her lips softly at first but then the kisses became filled with passion and love. I loved her so much and if she wanted to tell our friends then that was okay, maybe with their help I might be able to protect her better....

James' P.O.V.
The Gryffindor Common Room was rather quiet and empty. Zentheya had been spending more and more time in the library, probably trying to get as much revision in as possible before the exams despite the exams being ages away, so that she would have time to practice for the Quidditch tryouts and help us with more pranks. Lily seems to think that I should take a leaf out of her book, but I just tell her that I have plenty of time to revise! The BTPW was still on going, Sirius had said that we could join in which I wouldn't mind! But Lily says that if I don't start studying soon she is going to ban me from pranking! Peter is still being distant, even if he did apologise for snapping at me a couple of days ago. "Has anyone seen Sirius?" I asked as I sat on the sofa with an arm around Lily. I still couldn't believe that after six years of her rejecting me and calling me an arrogant toe rag, she finally said yes! I still couldn't believe that she was my girlfriend! I sighed happily as I watched her snuggling closer to me.

"James, you're staring again!" Lily pointed out as she looked up at me from her place on my chest.

I blushed slightly. "Sorry love..." I said embarrassed.

Fangs: The Fifth Marauder Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang