"You know him?" Connor shifts his head slightly toward me, his eyes never once leaving Theo. With my breath heavy, I nod. Connor tenses further, his hands that were once in his pocket now balled by his sides.

"Why-what's – is that a bad thing?" I fumble, curious as to what was happening. Xavier's fingers wrap around mine, before pulling me to the left, causing me to follow him.

I hear Theo growl in the distance.

"Xavier, leave her alone," He calls, his voice low as he steps toward us.

How do they know each other? What history do they have? Why so much tension?

Xavier halts slightly, his head dipping low for a moment. He clenches his jaw for a few seconds of silence, before he continues in silence. By that time, Theo is already a few metres away.

I stand in silence, my eyebrows creased as I watch Andrew and Connor step in front of Xavier protectively.

But more importantly, I notice the hurt that flashes in Theo's eyes as they do so, and my heart immediately drops.

What have I missed?

"Is everything okay?" I whisper to no one in particular. Theo spares a small apologetic smile before nodding his head. But Xavier, he simply bites out a small word before pulling me further.

I notice desperation seep into Theo's eyes.

"Are you really going to go with him Nicola? After he abused you? After he broke you and hurt you? Are you just going to forgive him because of a mate bond?!" He shouts, stepping closer to us.

I halt.

Xavier whips around, anger mixed with regret clouding his eyes as he watches me. A deadly silence wraps around us as he waits, as everyone waits.

And everyone waits for me to react.

But this wasn't fair, I wasn't the one who spread the tension like a kid with Nutella. If anything, I'm the one being shoved under the bus for no reason.

"Why does it matter to you? Why should who I go with matter to you?" I ask, my voice soft as I whip around to face Theo. He stands dead still, his eyebrows curved together as his eyes wonder of my face.

"I was told what he did to you, I may not know you so well, or for long, but I don't want to see that happen to you again, and if I have the power to stop it I will," He answers.

"But why?"

His gaze shoots to Xavier, "Because I'm a good guy," and I can't help but feel as though it had a double meaning.

A deep growl erupted from Xavier's chest as he whipped with fury to face Theo. "You are anything but that, bastard!" Xavier barked, storming toward Theo. With flames burning in their eyes, Connor and Andrew let Xavier go.

I extend my arm, reaching for Xavier but find it too late as Xavier already throws a hook toward Theo's jaw.

I gasp, my hands clamping over my lips.

With sorrow buried deep in his eyes, Theo doesn't budge. Neither does he flinch as each punch comes flying toward him with thundering force, a long stream of curses followed.

Helplessness floods through me as I watch wide-eyed. Some part of my wanting to stop Xavier, another still trying to believe what my eyes was showing me.

This was a Theo, a kind, gentlemen who loves to cook. Why would Xavier have anything against him? Why would Connor and Andrew stand as though they were ready to pounce if Theo made a move?

"Stop!" I scream, clutching Xavier's shoulder with my eyes clamped shut. As silence once again appears and tension builds, I open them ever so slowly, only to find Xavier's confused eyes sinking with mine.

"Why?" That is all he says as he waits for a response.

I part my lips, hoping my thoughts would form into words, but instead a sad small breath escapes my lips as I stare at him desperately. His eyes narrow as he studies me, his eyebrows arching further together as his chest grows heavy.

"How do you know him?" He whispers, hidden pain laced in his tone. I shake my head, my gaze dropping to the floor as I imagine explaining my father's intentions. But I don't know how to answer, so I stand, my lips flapping as nothing but silence escapes them.

A slight twitch pulses on the edge of his eye for a few moments before he turns to Theo. Theo's eyes widen, before his chest grows heavy before glancing my way. We look eye contact for an agonizingly long moment before his head drops.

Xavier's breaths became louder, heavier as he let out a low growl, assuming the worst. With his chest moving at an ecstatic pace, I begin to panic, my arms reaching for his shoulder.

But I know, even before Xavier's fist rushed forward to land square on Theo's head, it was too late.

The idea was stuck in his head.

A stream of curses poured from his gritted teeth, fragments of 'you backstabbing bastard', 'brother', 'dad' and 'mother' mixing in the air. Connor and Andrew share the same hatred that clouds Xavier's eyes, but as Theo continued to embrace the punches, their hatred soon turned to panic as they realized how Xavier's mood escalated so drastically.


"They did everything for you! They loved you, I loved you like a goddamn brother and what the hell do you do to me you ungrateful bastard!"


"You have no right to be here, to touch her to even look at her! You had no right to k-," He paused, his words stuck in his throat as he staggers back, beads of sweat breaking against his forehead.

I stare speechless as Connor runs to hold Xavier and Andrew forces Theo to step back. Theo falls back, his features distant as they stare at Xavier, his shoulders caving in before limping away.

I watch in silence, my mind flooded yet empty at the same time. I step closer to Xavier, reaching to somehow comfort him.

But how do you comfort a stranger?

He shrugs both Connor and I away, sharing one last look of pure pain in my direction before storming in the other.

Connor and Andrew throw disapproving glances toward me, before following after Xavier. 


I am so unbelievably sorry for waiting so long to update! I only got my ass in gear today to deliver this and the next chapter! Please forgive me. 

I really hope you enjoyed this though, I really do. 

What do you think is the history between Xavier and Theo?

I need your personal opinion; do I use the eyes a lot to show the character's emotion? Please let me know in the comments! 

Please vote and comment if you enjoyed! 

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