Dangerously Safe Chapter 28

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Wicked Games - The Weeknd


^^^^^listen to the song. It's the shiznitz!!!




I walked next to Shea as we walked up to the front door of his parent’s house. I had to say that I wasn’t nervous to meet the rest of Shea’s family. I had already met his parents and a few close friends of the family and they were really accepting.

 “Okay my family can get a little crazy” he warned. “Especially when they all are within the vicinity of each other.” He added. I laughed at his warning.

“I’m sure that I can handle it Shea.” I responded.

“They joke around a lot, but it’s all harmless and it’s good fun, so don’t be offended by anything that they say.” He informed me.

“Okay,” I responded. He knocked on the door, before twisting the knob and walking inside. There was music playing and it was endless chattering going on. The house had a sweet aroma to it and it instantly filled my nostrils making my mouth water. Shea’s mom must have just got through cooking desserts. I closed the door behind us and walked with Shea deeper into the house.

Shea led me into the kitchen where his mom stood over the stove preparing some type of dish. Shea’s Dad was trying to taste the food and his mom smacked his hand away. I laughed.

“Wait James until its ready.” She scolded.

“You should make him go last Mom.” Shea said. She turned around noticing us.

“Hey, when did you get here?” She asked.

“We just got here.” Shea responded.

“Hey Dad,” Shea said giving his Dad a hug.

“Hey son,” He said hugging Shea back. “Hey Ari, It’s nice seeing you again.” He said pulling me into a bear hug.

“Nice seeing you too Mr. Rawls.” I said laughing. Shea’s parents always remind me of Vivian and Phillip Banks off of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. His dad was a hefty man with light brown-skin. He was beginning to go bald and what hair he had was beginning to turn grey, but that didn’t diminish his good looks. You could tell that he had been the guy that every girl wanted in his younger days and I was guessing that Mrs. Rawls was the one who had caught his eye. Mrs. Rawls with her long black locks and olive skinned that made her looked like maybe she wasn’t fully black was a beautiful woman. She was petite and looked even smaller standing next to her husband. They had the ideal marriage. I had no clue how long they were married but I knew that they were married before Shea was born and he was now twenty-one. You could still see the love that they shared and it seemed strong as ever. I sighed, I wanted that someday.

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