And the crazy thing is that Mr. M doesn't even say anything in return! THE MAN JUST STANDS THERE AND COCKS HIS EYEBROW! That's it! Eventually the bouncer caves and grants us admission. Ross, being the childish mofo that he is, grins at the bouncer as we pass by. I nearly slap the back of his head, we both know the if Mr. M wasn't here- Ross wouldn't be acting this way. Me? I would but then I'd just look like a stereotypical mad black woman.

We enter the club and there's a person stamping hands. As soon as we pass her I see how packed the club is. Every booth is full of people and the space in front of the DJ is insane. There is a huge crowd at the bar and the bartenders look hassled. Mr. M leads us over to another bouncer in front of the stairwell leading up to the second floor. Again he gives his last name but this time the bouncer doesn't seem to care that there are three of us instead of just two.
We get special wristbands and then we head upstairs to a secluded table with 'Marceles' written on a place holder. The difference between the top and the bottom is extremely noticeable. Up here there was nothing but space. I can look below us and see all the people smashed together like sardines.

Mr. M leans over and screams to Ross over the music, "I invited you along because I didn't want you waiting outside all night, but you don't have to stay with us! Go have some fun!" He and I were on one side of the table and Ross was on the other.
I may not be fluent in 'guy' speak but even I could read in between the lines of that one. What Mr. M's saying is, "I let you in because you're her friend but now I want you to leave!"

Ross smiles and then yells, "I'm going to go get some shots! You want some?" I nod my head eagerly while Mr. M shakes his head. Ross looks at me in question.

"If it's vodka or fireball, I need a chaser of soda- coke preferably. If it's tequila or rum-" I start to yell at him, but he shakes his head as he stands up.

"I'm not going to remember any of that! Come with me." Ross says and makes his way out of his seat.

Mr. M slides out of ours, offers his hand to me, and pulls me up until I'm standing. I lean up to his ear while placing my hands on his muscular chest. "Want anything?" He shivers and places both hands on my waist pulling our bodies closer.

"Yes but you aren't ready for it." His lips near my ear makes my body shiver and that's not the what I want so I step back to look at Marceles. His eyes are relaying a message but I don't know what it is. 

Ross then grabs my hand and leads me over to the spacious bar on the second floor.

"He seems nice." Ross tell me as we're walking.

I don't answer him. 'Mr. M is nice, and knowledgeable, and exudes power, and is sexy as hell, and his lips look soft, and his chest is sculpted, and I have no clue what to do about my hormones, and I only met him about 28 hours ago, and he gave me 2,000 dollars, and i don't know what I'm doing, and..........I'm going to get drunk. Simple solution to internal debates.'

When we reach the bar I order 5 shots of fireball, two coke sodas, and three bottles of water. Ross looks at me like I've lost my mind, we are both ballin' on a budget. 

"I'm paying." That's all I have to say and Ross orders himself a scotch on the rocks. He thinks he's cool but the man won't be able to drink it. Ross has a delicate palate, he just doesn't know this yet. 

I down two of my shots immediately. I give one to Ross, to which he took but then grabbed my coke like a man dying of thirst, the last two I pour into my remaining untouched coke. I grab my water bottle with my remaining hand while putting the other one under my arm along with my clutch. Ross grabs the remaining bottle along with his scotch and then we make our way back to the table. When we get there, Mr. M stands back up and I shuffle in. I hand him one of the bottles of water that I'm carrying.

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