chapter 23 - wedding dress

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We arrive at the mall and walk into a shop were they sell wedding dresses,bride maid dress and mother clothes of the bride
"Look at all this dress" Mellisa says looking them
"Pick which ones you like girls and try them one" katie mom says looking at them
Katie walks around and grabs 4 dresses and then walks to the changing room
Mellisa grabs 4 two and try them on.

Katie comes out in this dress first

"Wow it's lovely I take a picture of you so we can decide darling" katie  mom says looking at how beautiful she looked she took the picture "What do you think darling?" Katie mom says showing her the picture

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"Wow it's lovely I take a picture of you so we can decide darling" katie mom says looking at how beautiful she looked she took the picture
"What do you think darling?" Katie mom says showing her the picture.
"It's okay but I don't like the bottom I try the other on" katie says and walks into the changing room and takes of the dress
She comes back out 20 minutes later with a different dress on

"It's okay but I don't like the bottom I try the other on" katie says and walks into the changing room and takes of the dress She comes back out 20 minutes later with a different dress on

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"That dress look incredible on you, you should get this one" katie mom says and takes another picture.
"Maybe" katie says looming at the pictue
"I try one more on and we decide which one this one or the other" katie says going back in and change her clothes
She then comes out again witg a different dress on

"Maybe" katie says looming at the pictue  "I try one more on and we decide which one this one or the other" katie says going back in and change her clothes She then comes out again witg a different dress on

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"Lovely darlin" katie mom says and takes a picture and shows me.
"Hmmm" I say scrolling and looking at the picture of this dress and the one before "you know what I go for this one mom you change now into the clothes I wait here and judge Melissa clothes okay?" Katie says smiling
"Okay darling" her mom says and goes into the next room and changes
I go back into the changing room and change into my clothes and grab my dress I want to wear and bag and wait for Melissa to come out and show me her clothes.

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