chapter 18 - Can Katie forgive Lucas

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Lucas looks at Katie and Melissa standing by the door smiling
"Katie Did you see all that?" Asks Lucas
"Yeah I did" she says to him turning to him
"I am truly sorry I didn't want to kiss her but I did and I can't take that back but I know I won't do it again because I love you" says Lucas looking in her eyes as he walked closer to her.
"I know your sorry and I forgive you cause I love you too and you make me happy" she says back to Lucas happily.
"So you two are going to stay together right" asks Melissa looking at them.
"Yes of course we are" said Katie and Lucas together
"group hug?" Asked Katie smiling while putting her hands out.
"Hug" said both Lucas and Melissa together.
Katie,Lucas and Melissa walked together and hug " I love you guys I'm so happy I have a friends like you Melissa and a boyfriend like you Lucas" says katie in the middle of the hug.
"I'm glad to that I met you at the football game and I'm glad I met you after Melissa life has been fun with you two" Lucas says smirking.
"Me too, I'm glad I am definitely happy I have a best friend who doesn't mind who I am and their for me and another friend who makes my best friend happy no matter what, couldn't ask for anything better" says Melissa
"Indeed couldn't ask for anything better" says both Lucas and Katie.

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