chapter 2 - When Lucas noticed Katie

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Today was the day when Lucas and his football team would go against their rival football team.Today they were prepared to win but what Lucas wasn't prepared for was seeing Katie sitting on a bench just reading a book with her mate Lilly sitting cheering for the school football team to win.
Lucas always noticed that Katie was with a book every where she went in class, library, football ground and even when she at the park. She would be reading a book Lucas always liked that about Katie that she read a book and would lose her self in them.
''Captain any words of encouragement for your team'' ask the Coach looking at Lucas.
''Right yeah of course'' says Lucas breaking out of his staring and focusing back on the team
Lucas walks towards his team mates and stands in circle with his team and looks at all his team with their gear and their boots ready to play football.
''Right team, we know we can do this we worked towards this beating that football team for a long time and we are ready for this and we can do this I believe we can and so does every one else, now let's do this for our school and for us, hands in guys'' says Lucas shouting while putting his hands in the middle of the circle
All the team put their hands in the middle of the circle and shouted ''let's do this for the school''
Everyone in the crowd cheered and shouted as the game began.

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