chapter 15 - School

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Katie woke up the next day after going to the mall with Melissa feeling scared and disappointed she didn't know why he kissed Louise she thought that Lucas loved her.
Katie got changed into a pair of blue shorts and a summer blue top with a pocket on it and brushed her teeth before going down stairs
Katie ate her breakfast and then grabbed her bag and kissed her parents and sister goodbye before leaving to go to school, she decided to walk to school instead of getting a lift with Lucas this morning after hearing what happened with him and Louise.
When she arrived at school she texted her friend Melissa " Hey where are you?"
"Hey by the entrance" Melissa replied back as soon as the message was sent
"Okay on my way now" Katie replied as she walked to meet her friend Melissa.
Melissa stood leaning on the wall by the door waiting for her as Katie got near Melissa could tell that something was up
"Hey you okay?" Melissa asked
"No I just don't want to see Lucas you know it hurt that he didn't want to tell me he should of but he didn't" katie said while her eye started to water
"I know katie he should of told you look here he comes now" Melissa said as she pointed her head to Lucas.
Katie looked at Lucas walking towards them.
"Hey what's up with you?" He asked her seeing her face all red and her eyes watered up.
"I'm sorry Melissa but I know he said to you not to tell me but I can't help it, I tell you what's wrong with me I find out my boyfriend of a year and one month, kissed another girl while we were on summer break" she said shouting at him
"I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to happen we just did it, didn't mean anything I love you, you got to believe me I love the way you smile when you like a book and the way you smile when I'm around" he says almost crying as he begs for forgiveness,
"I don't know if I do believe you I got to go come on Melissa" said Katie as she walks past him with Melissa and not looking back.

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