chapter 5 - On the ride home

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Katie looked out the window and watched each tree as the car went past. Katie watched a man playing with his daughter on the park and smiled.
"Katie do you like to read books? all I see is you reading, my favourite book, when I was little was Diary of a Wimpy Kid I loved the book and now they made a film" said Lucas smiling as he looked at the road.
"Yeah when I read I feel like I am in my own world exploring each book, is a new explore for me and I love it and yeah I read that book to it is a great book my sister read it every night I like to read books about vampire and werewolves I haven't really got a favourite book" says Katie looking at him as she explains
"I get what you mean it like with me with sports but different, I have a brother his name Mike he so funny you should meet him his only five but he is funny" he says nodding in agreement with Katie
" I would love to meet him one day " says Katie smiling.

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