chapter 6 - a month later

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Within a month Katie and Lucas become closer they met each others families.
Katie loved spending time around his with his mom and his brother, she even went out for meal with them and sometimes Lucas went out with her family, they visited places like diners near the main shopping mall and even the most popular resurant in town that has four stars rating. Their food was so good that Katie family goes every month as a family each time they go they order something different for example pizza, burger and wraps to try something different.

Katie and Lucas started going out in April. Lucas asked Katie out after an football match he ran to her and said "Katie will you go out with me" off course she said yes everyone cheered again and he kissed her on the lips then smiled at her then ran to his team and got a tap on his shoulder from his team to congratulations him and then he put his arms up with his team mates and borrowed and cheered.
here how it happened.

Alex scored a goal with a high then did a back flip and jumped in the air and outs his arms up and says "yes score" all the team run to him and jump on him. After that they carried on playing and Lucas runs to the goal with his other team mate Max they kick the ball to each and when they get close Max passes the ball to Lucas and he kicks the ball into the goal and everyone stood up watching as it went flying to the goal everyone went silent then final it went past the gaoler and he scored everyone cheered and the team won again.

after the game Lucas ran to where Katie was in the stands and smiled and went on his knees "Katie will you go out with me" he asked smiling at her.

"yes off course I will go out with you" Katie says nodding her head and smiling back at him.

Lucas gets up from his knees and kisses her on the lips and says "thank you I been so scared to ask you all day "

Katie kisses him on the lips one more time and then h smiles and runs to his team as he runs to them he gets taps on the shoulder off everyone. Katie smile at her best friend and she hugs Katie to say well done and winks.

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