chapter 17 - Louise finding Lucas

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Louise walks away from Katie and wonders off so she can look for Lucas. Louise starts looking outside to see if he is still outside but she couldn't spot anyone with black hair and a black jacket "not out here" she said and walks back in to the school and goes past Katie and goes to the cafe to see if his in their.
She looked again to see if she can see a boy with black hair and a black jacket but she still couldn't find him.
She went to his friend mike
''Hey Mike do you know where Lucas is? Asked Louise as she looked at him while crossing her arms.
"I think he went to the gym" replied Mike looking at her while having a drink of coca cola.
"Thanks see you later" says Louise as she walked away
Louise walks to the gym and finds Lucas doing weights.
"Hey" she said behind.
"Hi" he said back to her.
"I'm sorry that she found out but I do like you Lucas I have since we kissed" she said to him still looking at him doing weights.
"Louise I don't like you in that way I like Katie what happened on the summer holiday was a mistake I'm sorry" he says replying as he stands up.
"You don't like me in that way?" She says again arms crossed.
"Yes I don't like you in that way only as a friend I'm sorry" he replied picking up a towel.
Louise goes toward him and kisses him on the lips but just before she could Lucas pushed her away " no I already told you" he said disgusted.
"Fine whatever" she says as she walks off
Just as she reached the door it opens and Katie and Melissa stood their smirking
"We told you we are sorry he doesn't like you" says katie to Louise as she storms off.

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