So, This is How it Started

Start from the beginning

"Come on Marceles! Live a little, the conference will be over before you know it!" One of the men in his party jested.

"Oh I'll have my fun, don't you worry about that." I can feel his gaze on me as I walk away.

No. No. No. You may be a walking sex symbol but I'm not here for your entertainment....

The rest of the evening goes by smoothly. I make excuses to go into the dining room just to get a glance at him and Rachel doesn't blame me.


He's been here for three hours chatting with his companions. Slowly they dwindle down until about two are still there with him. Thirty minutes later both of his companions leave and he's sitting there by himself. I check his table as another thirty minutes pass by and he's looking at his phone perfectly content sitting alone. It's like he knows I'm there because he looks up and smiles at me. As 12:30 rolls around I make my way to his table. Paisley came up to me and told me that he wanted to speak to me specifically. She had no chance to even tell him that we were closing down before he interrupted her with his demand.

"Um, Mr. Marceles, it's 12:30 and we're shutting down. Would-" I sound nervous and it makes me even more embarrassed. He cuts me off and meets my eyes.

"I'll take the bill now." He says it so simply!

"Great! I'll have Pais-" Again I get cut off.

"No. I want you to bring me the check."

"I'll be right back." The tone in his voice gave me no wiggle room. Paisley hands the billfold over and I take his ticket to him even though that's not apart of my job description. "Here you go. Would you like anything else sir?"

He takes the little book, opens it, looks at the balance, pulls out his wallet, takes out a couple of hundred dollars, places them inside, closes the book, and hands it back to me. The process doesn't even take a minute.

"The change is for you." He stands up and puts his jacket on.

"I wasn't even your waitress....." My mouth is suddenly dry 1) because I really want to see him without clothes on in this second and 2) I know his bill was only $460 something yet he put like $700 in the book. No way was the service THAT good.

"I'll be seeing you around." He completely ignores what I've said and leaves. I'm motionless as I watch him leave the room.

I'm still in a state of shock but I still function properly. Regardless of that he said, I took two hundred out and tell Paisley he said that all of the tip was hers. I'm not THAT generous as to split the entirety with her.

When I get home I quickly take a shower and go to sleep. I traded shifts with Jennifer so now my shift is at 8am instead of 8pm. The switch suits us both perfectly, she can take her kid out and I don't have to deal with the Saturday night crowd. The only problem is that I'm not a morning person.....


I wake up at 5:25am and I almost throw my alarm clock across the room.

'Maybe I should place it across the room so that I'm calmer when I reach it.' I saw this video on Facebook that suggests doing that to actually get a person out of bed instead of constantly clicking snooze.

I wash up and brush my teeth in record time, then I work on my hair. I decided to leave it down but that meant I'd have to straighten it. Contrary to popular belief I'm not bi-racial. My skin is a deep caramel color and I own the fact that my hair is permed. I put my time in with natural hair before there were even products readily available for it, but as I went off to college I broke down and got a perm- it was the best thing ever for me to do.

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