21 ~ the monster mash

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21 the monster mash




I roll over; ready to pound my alarm clock’s snooze button.

My “alarm clock” is a little boy with teary blue eyes.

I rub my face and push myself out of my feather filled duvet. “What’s wrong Cade?” I ask softly, assuming he’s had another nightmare. Poor guy has been waking up about every other midnight for the past week or so.

“I can’t go to sleep,” Cade whispers. He sniffles and starts to chew on the ear of his stuffed elephant toy.

I nod. “Alright. Wanna sleep with me?”

“I can’t.”

I blink.

Cade sighs. He pulls his tiny body up on my bed to sit beside me. His little pink lips pucker thoughtfully before he starts to tell me his story. “I can’t sleep,” he tells me. “I can’t sleep because the monsters are going to eat me.”

I shake my groggy head. “No one would want to eat you, Cade-y boy. You would taste too darned sweet. Like eating a bowl of white sugar without anything to drink,” I say.

“That’s not true!” Cade argues. His face is glowing white in the flickering light of my bedside nightlight. “The monsters told me they were gonna eat me up,” he says.

I throw back my sheets and place my bare feet on the ground. I pull my hair into a knot behind my head before heading to the bedroom door.

“NO LENA!” Cade screams. He runs to my side. Cade wraps his little hands around my wrist, digging his heels into the ground to attempt at slowing me down. It’s not working, by the way. I’m about three thousand times bigger than the little nibble.

“The monsters will EAT YOU!”

I stop dead in my tracks. Crossing my arms over my chest I say, “I’ve done this a million times. I know my way around a measly monster mash.”

“THESE MONSTERS ARE DIFFERENT!” Cade shouts. I resist the urge to cover my ears. “THEY ARE GONNA EAT YOU AND PUT YOU IN A BOWL OF SOUP!”

I rub my tired face. I wish I had gone to bed another hour earlier, at least.

“Fine. Tell me about these monsters. What do they look like?”

“Huge,” Cade bawls. “Biggest monsters ever.”

“And you saw one?” I ask.

Cade rolls his eyes, a trait he most likely learned from me… oops. “Of COURSE I DID! THEY TOLD ME THEY WERE GONNA EAT ME!” He shouts and throws his hands in the air.

Wow. This kid could win an Oscar or something. I’m almost convinced!

“Okay; they’re big, they’re scary, and they want to eat you. Should I know anything else before I head out?” I ask and point to the door.

“Yes. Yes, they are really really…” Cade trails off into deep thought. He gets that constipated look on his face again.

“REALLY loud,” Cade finishes his thought. “And if you are too loud they hear you and will tear your ears out.”

“That’s not good,” I mumble.

“No. It’s berry bad. So don’t go do that,” Cade tells me strictly. He looks up at me with his dinner plate baby blues. His dino pjs are slightly wrinkled, and I make a mental note to do more ironing on the weekends.

The Lena Diaries (One Direction Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin