7 ~ curse you mister alexander graham bell

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7     curse you mister alexander graham bell

“Thanks again, Hadley.”

“I’ve already told you it was no big deal, lovely. I’m just sorry I couldn’t get to the hospital sooner,” Hadley says.

We’re sitting in the front of her smart car, the windows shut tight. It’s dark outside and I can see every little star in the sky from the country back road we’re driving. Hadley has just picked me up from the hospital. Yes, I know. It was all blown out of proportions. After I hit my head not once, but TWICE I was hauled away to the local emergency room. It took persuasion to let them send me home. The doctor wanted to keep me locked up in that white prison cell overnight!

I hate hospitals.

I press the ice closer to my head. The throbbing gets a bit quieter. “Today sucked,” I say. I glance to Hadley in the driver’s seat. “I should have never gone to see Harry.”

“It wasn’t his fault you gave yourself a concussion honey,” Hadley says sweetly, her motherly tone taking over.

I roll my eyes.

“Of course it was. Everything is his fault,” I argue. “Bible School, my parents’ divorce, Todd’s depression, poverty in third world countries, World War Two-” Hadley’s giggle interrupts me and I stop. “You get the point,” I say.

“Oh yes. If the point is you’re very overdramatic.”

“Am not.”

“And argumentative,” Hadley says with a smirk.

“That’s not even a real word,” I say. But now that I think about it more it probably is… oh well.

“Let’s just forget that it ever happened- alright love?” Hadley asks. I nod and she says, “We’ll head back to the flat and get you some tea.”

“But you have work,” I say.

Hadley readjusts her rearview mirror. Then she tells me, “I took tomorrow off.”

“Well that was silly,” I say. “I can handle myself.”

“The doctor put you on bed rest,” Hadley says. “I just want to make sure you follow his rules.”

“Rules shmules,” I mock. “I’ll be just fine by morning.”


I’m lying in my bed; the ceiling directly up. I don’t know why I always sleep like this, my limbs spread out like a starfish. But I do. And I did, because I woke up looking like this with an ugly bump on my head. I can feel it underneath my thick head of hay hair.

Hadley pokes her head into the room, her pink hair falling over her shoulder. “How are you doing sweetheart?” She asks.

“I feel useless,” I say bitterly. A whole entire day in bed is ridiculous! I literally went to sleep last night, woke up, and then never moved a muscle. Nothing productive was done- NOTHING.

“That’s not what I asked,” Hadley probes.

I look into her frosty blue eyes. She’s smiling sweetly, her bright white teeth glowing behind pale pink lips. “I’m feeling much better,” I tell her honestly. Really, I am. The throbbing is completely gone and I can see perfectly straight.

“That’s good,” Hadley says with a nod.

“In fact, I think the concussion did me wonders. I can smell sounds now,” I say. “It’s like I’m Spiderman or something.”

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