1 ~ the nanny named Lena

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1     the nanny named Lena

“And in other news, we are just receiving the first pictures of the new Prince of Cambridge. Born to Kate and William yesterday July 22nd he’s already drawing quite a crowd-”

I smile crookedly. “Prince or not, he’s gonna be a handful,” I say aloud. “Aint that right, Sparky?” I look down at the pet’s spot on the rug.

Why isn’t he there?

My heart stops.

“Sparky?” I say weakly. “Sparky… where’d you go buddy?”

I shut off the plasma screen TV and throw the remote aside. I push myself up from the Chesterfield sofa. My panicked eyes glance around the huge living room, the tall book shelved walls looking fancy as always. I call Sparky’s name about seven more times. He still doesn’t show.

“SPARKY!” I shout. My voice rings throughout the mansion.

I run two hands through my hair. If I was Sparky, where would I go?

I pop a bubble and stride out of the living room. My steps echo through the huge entry way as I put myself in front of the grand staircase. Cracking my neck to the side I decide to hit the bedrooms first. So I stick to the left of the stairs. My cheap shoes look even crappier against the royal red carpet.

“Sparky!” I holler again. I trail my fingers along the marble railing as I reach the top of the staircase. The huge hallways that spread on either side of me look promising. Sparky just loves to roam around.

I take a quick left. I know he can’t open doors, because he’s only an animal. But nonetheless I peek into every shut library and bathroom suite I come across. But it isn’t until I hit the first bedroom that I smell something fishy.

I stand in the doorway with my arms crossed.

The room is pitch black but my nanny eyes can still see trouble.

“Cade,” I say slowly.

“What?” he answers innocently.

I flick on the switch. The red and white stripes pop out on his walls at the flicker of his huge chandelier. Giant stuffed circus toys are lining the far wall below the window. My eyes wander to huge toddler bed in the center of the room. The kid is snuggled up in his PJs, looking nothing like a napping boy.

“I was sleepin,” He lies.

Something big and bulky wiggles from under the blankets. Cade smacks a hand down on top of the quilt and makes a nervous face.

“And is Sparky sleeping with you?” I ask.

“Well… yeah. You said it was nap time,” Cade answers me. “And he said he was berry sleepy.”

I give him a tired smile. “I’m sure he did,” I tell Cade.

The little boy with bleach blonde hair sadly gazes at the moving lump. “You gonna take him now?”

I nod.


Cade’s tiny hands reach under the blankets. And out he pulls a huge scaly lizard.

I cringe.

“Here you go,” He says sadly. He holds his lizard out to me.

I walk over to his bedside and reluctantly grab the thing with both hands. “Thanks buddy,” I say with a forced smile. God, I really hate Sparky. “You can play with Sparky after your nap. Alright?”

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