17 ~ dr. lewis and a dark horse

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17   dr. lewis and a dark horse

“Goooooooooood morning folks! John Sanderson reporting live from our London studios just outside of the grand city itself! Better grab your coats- looks like today isn’t going to be a sunny Sunday after all!”

I take another bite of Pop Tart.

On the other side of the couch Cade looks up at me from his bowl of Lucky Charms. “Why did Uncle Todd have to go home today?” He asks innocently.

“Because he has to go back to school in America,” I answer simply. “He was here as long as he could be.”

Cade starts to nod, taking in the information, when a pair of feet shuffles into the room.

Louis Tomlinson sets his round butt down on the leather beside me. I give him a weak smile and pretend to watch the morning news; even if it is commercial break again.

“Good morning, love.”

“Morning to you, Louis,” I say back. I can’t imagine what awful things Harry has put into the chaps mind about me these last couple of days. If those two are as close of friends as everyone keeps saying they are, Harry most likely told him about the drama between us the other night.

It wasn’t pretty.

In fact, it was very very ugly.

No one’s seen much of Harry since.

“How did you sleep last night?”

I give the British bum a sideways glance. Shouldn’t he know how much I hate small talk? I’ve never been one to be good at it… talking in general.

Louis smirks.

“I slept quite well, thanks,” I say and take another bite of cold brown sugar Pop Tart. This bite isn’t half as tasty as the last, by the way.

Louis gives a little look-y loo over to Cade. The four year old is channel surfing happily-his chipmunk cheeks full of cold cereal.

“You doing alright?”

I nod.

“You sure about that?”

I watch Lou’s two intent eyes staring at me. He’s genuinely concerned, I suppose.

“I’m great,” I say. I can’t tell you if that’s a lie or not. At this point I’m not even sure how I’m feeling. All possible emotions have been thrown into a big pot and mixed up these last couple weeks, to be honest.

Lou smiles cheekily. He reminds me of my brother, now that I think about it. “That’s good. I was just a bit worried that’s all,” He says with a shrug.

I scratch a bug bite on my wrist. Trailing my eyes to the TV and back I ask, “Why’s that?”

“Because Harry’s an emotional wreck.”

I stop all movement.

Even my LUNGS stop working for a second.

I can’t believe it… after all these years… he actually cares… a little.

I smile crookedly.

“And you’re happy about this because…?” Louis asks.

I stand up from the couch then. I readjust my sweatshirt and straighten my jeans. “I’m not happy,” I lie obviously.

Louis follows me into the other room, tagging along like a little lost puppy. “That smile back there looked pretty damn happy to me.”

Somehow we end up in the library. The bookshelves trail up to the ceiling a hundred feet. I pace around and eventually land in front of the window, looking out at the backyard. The sky is a mean greyish color.

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